Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Made New Year Resolutions *gasp!*
01-01-2005 E 3:03 p.m.
2005. Wow, a new year with a whole new set of possibilities and opportunities. A fresh start to make life better. A new year with new lessons to learn and experiences to experience. For some reason, I have looked forward to this new year. I feel very optimistic about it, and that fills me with excitement. Perhaps it's the possibility of getting a new chair. Perhaps it's because Jenn and Mike are finally having their first child. Perhaps it's the anticipation of finding my own apartment and moving out on my own again, with getting a job. Perhaps it's the unknown that's appealing. I dunno, but I'm excited for what this year holds in store. May it be a good one.

2004 was bittersweet. It had its good points and its bad. It was a year of journeys and choices, a year of self-redefinition. We lost several notable people, such as Christopher Reeve, Ray Charles, Ronald Reagan, Marlon Brando and a few others. They will be missed greatly, but not forgotten. It was election year and its outcome will affect the next four and whatever else happens in Iraq. And sadly, it ended on a somber, devastating note as an earthquake and tsunamis hit the coasts of Asia. 150,000 dead with the number still possibly rising. Two thirds, from what I hear, were children.

May the beginning of 2005 see a wonderful influx of aid, compassion and the good humanity can be capable of there after such a devastating tragedy as we saw here in America Sept. 11, 2001. God bless you Asia. May you have all the help and supplies needed.

On a different track now, I realize I left the 12 Days of Christmas hanging. (Not meaning to, of course.) Christmas seems like a dream now, a wonderful fantasy made of sweet confections and music: light, fluffy pink clouds of spun sugar, modest mounds of the carmel flavored sweets known as Boston Cream, rich brown fudge and candy canes--the traditional ones. While sugar plums haven't danced through this fantasy at all, their mistress, the Sugar Plum Fairy, has made her presence known. Dancing to her music, she graced this holiday with her magic, leaving behind wisdom and love. She wasn't the only visitor, however. The Spirits of Christmas came and went, teaching me Peace was the watchword of the Season, especially when we are at war. "Peace, peace be unto you throughout all the land," they seemed to say. "And let there be peace in your heart. Peace in your soul. Life isn't always easy, and we must also have hope. Together, let them help you survive."

It's amazing. Only a short week separates Christmas and New Year's, yet Christmas feels like a dream already. The magic and excitement of Christmas transmutes into the hope and excitement of a new year. It's still the 12 Days of Christmas, though, which I will still do. But instead of doing the Christmas songs and stories I had planned (i.e. solely focusing on the holiday), I will do things in the spirit of the season and new year. =OD

One of which is confession time. I inadvertently lied when I said I will make no New Year resolutions. Well, at the time it was true. I had no intention of making resolutions, which by the year's end, I had failed to keep and accomplish. But this year, I've decided to make a few--in regards to my writing. I will:

That seems like a bit more than I can chew comfortably, I know. But the good thing is, they don't have to be done all at once. And they don't have to be finished before the year is out. The Alluvial Mine into myself is going to take some time, doing things "on the surface" before I can start digging below it. It'll be exciting (or interesting) to see what emerges from my subconcious' mine as "alluvial gold." So this is going to be an extensive project for months to come. And, of course, writing here will be an ongoing, simultaneous thing. As for my Medusa myth, I want to have it done by the end of January.

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moon phase


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