Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Own Christmas Carol
12-22-2004 E 12:32 p.m.
Three more days to Christmas. *blinks* Three...more...days...till Christmas. How has December flown? Ay chihuahua! The most magical time of year will be over and done with before we all know it. It's amazing, and yet sometimes irritating, time's progression.

In ways it feels like Christmas, because peace and good will are being manifested, and there is joy in giving presents among friends and sending them to relatives. The air or aura about is festive and jolly, and inside we've been Christmasized. The mound of presents under the family tree has grown from sparse to substantial over the last two days, and we are preparing for a nice, quiet family Christmas.

But in other ways, it doesn't feel like the Christmases we've had in the past. *wry smile* I guess you could label the memory of those *Christmas holidays the Spirit of Christmas Past. Now, today, or Saturday to be exact, naturally could be called the Spirit of Christmas Present. It's a new Christmas for a new phase for this family. Mom and Dad are now "Grammie and Gramps"; and we kids, with the exception of Miss Aubree are practically grown up. By next year it will just be Mom and Dad and Aubree and maybe Kami (if she goes to the Paul Mitchell school here that is starting soon). Perhaps this Christmas is the starting trend of several Christmases to come, as we leave the house, more of us marry and more grandkids are born. And who knows what the Spirit of Christmas Yet To Come holds for me, for us?

I didn't realize until now how...apt Dickens' division of Christmas fits my mood or outlook on the season this year. I'm not exactly Scrooge or the Grinch, but I have been taken down Memory Lane a bit by the Spirit of Christmas Past. Reliving memories in my own mind, and with Kami and Mom. Comparing what feels and is different than last year or the other years before. Adjusting myself to the strangeness and newness of this year's Christmas. It's not a bad thing; I've still managed to remember and feel the true Reason for Christmas. *soft smile* Hence, I'm also being visited by the Spirit of Christmas Present. And I am sure to be visited by the Spirit of Christmas Yet To Come.

I look forward to it. =0}

Take A Christmas Carol Quiz! See how much you know! *sheepish look* I missed three outta 10. 70%. Ay yi yi. I thought I was more familiar with the story than that.
"I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone!"
~Ebenezer Scrooge, A Christmas Carol~

* For Lulu's Lines this week.

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