Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Summer of Changes
06-14-2003 E 5:03 p.m.

A BLUE Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Blue Dragon on the inside. If there ever was a draconic example of a supple attitude, my Inner Dragon is it. Blues are the Water Elemental dragon--typified by our Steam breath weapon. Pretty creative, huh? It goes right along with my Inner Dragon's tendency to maim, but not destroy. Much like my native oceans and rivers will deform the rock over time, eventually wearing it away to nothing.

Humans shouldn't make the mistake of thinking I'm weak, however. After all I'm a good 30 feet in length and have a penchant for materializing out of any body of water, no matter how small. I also enjoy communicating with aquatic life-forms, hunting in totally inhospitable terrain (i.e. 3000 feet below the waves), and using my fluid nature to my advantage. My enemies probably won't even see me approach in the first place. My favorable attributes are the sunset, Autumn, water, compassion, intuition, and calmness. Naturally, I pity the fool who'd try and prove that calmness part, he'd probably wind up being scalded. *small grin*

*long exhale* Eesh. What a summer. And it's just begun! Hornets, Egypt and babies! Three of my cousins--or their wives--have been having babies, all boys too I think within the space of two months. And Jessy will have Brogan in July or August. Mom, for the past two weeks or so, has been struggling mightily with a baby afghan she's making/made for one of the babies. So much going on, so many changes in our lives.

It makes me feel old, and it doesn't help that my birthday is next month. I wanna say I'm 25 and holding when in actuality I'll be-- Ha ha, thought I was really going to reveal me age, didn't you?

Last night I shopped some more. Though I shouldn't have. My only excuse is my hormones are playing with me and at the time I felt pitiful and didn't need much self-coaxing into thinking if the price was right, it was ok to buy a um...things-will-be-ok gift for meself. So I bought a book I was going to buy next month along with another. That second book will have to wait till me birthday, but buying this one book now frees me to buy a movie next month, along with the second book. Yup, I'm truly weak. *sigh*

A strange thing happened to me last night. I had a relatively friendly chat with *J*, Heather's friend. Why is that strange? Well, my first impression of her was less than stellar when we first met. And it deteriorated from there because of a misunderstanding a year and a half or so ago online. It slipped even more when she started putting Heather on the back burner after she came home from her mission. Then she tried using me as the middle man, or woman in this case, to find out about Heather. I answered the questions I figured were ok, but told her if she wanted to know anything more she'd have to ask Heather herself.

I don't know what came over me last night. I found out she's working in Rexburg this summer and she sounded a lil...lonely and I definitely was lonely last night--poor, pitiful me, remember?--so on impulse I invited her to come over whenever. I don't know if she ever will.

I didn't stop there, however. She also talked of going to a student ward, and that it would be nice to go with someone she knows. So what do I do? I say: "If you really want to go to one, perhaps I'll go too, if you want."

I'm sure Heather won't care if this happens. I hope... I'm not even sure it will. I'm sure *J* is a nice person, and I was just trying to be nice. I meant what I said, of course, but still I was putting my "good foot forward." Heather's friendship is more important to me in the long run and I rather have that.
A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations.
~Patricia Neal

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moon phase


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