Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
09-28-2004 E 6:50 p.m.
I'm tired, on emotional and mental overload and have the beginnings of a headache, but I'll give this entry a go. P-O-Y this week is on a subject I suggested myself.


What is your idea of Utopia? What would your Utopia have that this world doesn't?

I had a hard time coming up with answers of my own, even though I suggested the topic. I still don't know what I'm going to say. But I do want to respond to this prompt, and if I wait any longer it's not going to get done.

Utopia is supposed to be this perfect place, where there is no sadness or evil or crime or pain. Everyone's happy and content, respectful and tolerant of each other. Politics are conducted fairly and are squarely on the up-and-up. And everybody's morals and standards are the same--high. Sounds boring, huh? And very clich�d. But this is the accepted idea of Utopia.

Trouble is, though society has a relative norm for what we term "reality," everyone has a unique perspective on that state. What Susie sees as a reality does not necessarily jive with Rick's idea of what is real. Thus, similarly their ideas of Utopia will be different. Just like a White Supremecist's view of Utopia would have whites only, a black man's might include tolerance for all races. Not boring at all.

In fact, diversity is the spice of life, as they say. Utopia would get boring quite quickly if there were no "spice of life" involved. So, I guess my utopia would include diversity among the fair politics, high morals, no pain or evil or crime or sorrow and respect and tolerance for people of all races and creeds. And while I'm spinning this fantastical Utopia of mine, let's add two things not of this world: no fat, no cal, GREAT tasting chocolate and happily ever after fairy tale endings.

However, if you think about it, if you don't add perfection to human nature any Utopia created will not last long. The imperfections of people would be at odds with the "perfect" social, political and moral systems in place. The state of utopia would no longer exist as there now would be opposition introduced into the mix. So, add perfection to human nature onto my list. This would negate any oppostion to the state of utopia. Plus, it would cancel out the need to know pain, sorrow, evil, crime and all the other negatives we have in this world in order to have and know all the good things: love, joy, companionship, success...

Really, without perfection in human nature we cannot have a utopia.

The fool wanders, the wise one travels.
~Welsh Proverb~

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