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� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Reasons Why I Hate Politics
09-25-2004 E 4:13 p.m.
I JUST LOST MY FLIPPIN' ENTRY!!!!! Why doesn't Andrew have it so if you hit back or forward accidentally you can go forward or back to your entry that you were already working on?!

I had two topics in mind for today or tomorrow, but then I happened to look up at the banner ad on my "add an entry" page. It flash-read: "911: The Road to Tyranny. They knew it. They let it happen. They made it happen. Now we live in a police state." It leads to this link.

People are entitled to their own opinions, I know, whether it be political or mundane. But this is just another example of why I hate politics. Why I let a job at the local newspaper slide by me. (The position was for a political writer. DEFINITELY not my cup of peppermint tea.)

Why did this banner make me mad? Why do I hate politics? To coin a phrase from Norm off of the sitcom Cheers, "It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and I'm wearing milkbone underwear." Meaning it's a vicious arena with candidates quite happily going for the jugular or bone and refusing to let go. Mud-slinging, along with snide and derogatory backtalk are also other favorite activities associated with the political scene. Not only are these favorites with the politicians, they're favorites of the candidates' most avid supporters as well. Not to mention, dredging up skeletons from opponents' pasts. Although, this could be sub-topiced under mud-slinging. And, in my opinion, nothing (that comes to mind right now) is more childish and low than grown adults slinging insults, dirt and mud at each other just to gain points in a poll and to get ahead in a race. It's idiocy.

I know I've said this before, but if you're still here, you're gonna read it again, or perhaps for the first time if you've never visited my site before, I don't think there is an honest, honest politician in the world anymore. Sure, there are good guys, those who do try to make things better and, for the most part, are good world leaders--like Ronald Reagan. But every candidate has their own agenda. Some may have good intentions for when they get into office, but we all know where good intentions go...in a handbasket. Promises to cut back on this or to institute that program are made in hopes of winning the race, but once in office if one or more promises aren't feasible or convenient, they fall by the wayside. Some even out-and-out lie, never intending to keep the promise or promises made in the campaign.

That is why that diary made me angry. That is why I hate politics.

I've heard the rumor of the FBI or CIA or the White House knowing of the attack before 9/11 happened. I've heard they didn't, so I dunno which is true. But that is irrelevant now. I've also heard that Kerry said we are no more safer now than we were beforehand. Ba-lon-ey! New policies for safety and stricter standards have been implemented. Since 9/11 we have been put on several security alerts whenever there was even the slightest chance of another attack on U.S. soil.

I've also heard from people talking that Kerry said another thing about 9/11. If there is another 9/11, he'll have us better prepared, or something to that effect. I'll have to ask again what it is he said in regards to this. I remember though, at the time I heard this, I was thinking, Another 9/11??!! Whatever happened to preventing a second one? You just gonna let it happen? Not do a thing until after the fact?

That's right, I'm not a Kerry fan. You can say I'm pro-Bush. I know Bush hasn't been the greatest president we've ever had, and he's made mistakes regarding this war in Iraq. But when push came to shove and this nation was hit below the belt and kicked to the curb, he pulled us through and rallied us together nationwide as Americans. He did for the U.S. what Mayor Guiliano did for New York. True, we should have waited till we had more worldwide support before going into Iraq the way we did, but now Saddam is out of the picture and hopefully the Iraqis will really have their election come next January. This is all from efforts by George W. Bush and others who have strived to remove the despot from power to be replaced by a better government.

Bush may not be the strongest or more intelligent-sounding president we have, but I'd rather have him than wishy-washy Kerry.

Every bird likes his own nest best.

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