Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Top 5 Presidential and First Lady Favorites
09-27-2004 E 3:10 p.m.
We're breaking records in this family. Last Thursday Mom bowled a 214 her last game! She had the high game that day. Go Mom! As for me, I've had my own record breaking spree over the last few days with the game, Bejeweled. My highest, up until recently, was 45 thousand something hundred. Then it rose to 53,85...something last week. I wanna say 53, but I know that ain't right. Two or three nights ago it shot up again, this time to 78,505. I kept expecting it to die on me, pronouncing NO MORE MOVES. GAME OVER. But the score kept climbing, and I soon had a litany on repeat under my breath. Don't die! Please don't die. Don't die. Please don't die! I was holding my breath, not darin' ta look at the score after a while! LOL. Last night was a similar predicament. Only this time the litany changed to Don't die! Please let me get to the 100s! Just let me get to the 100s!

And amazingly, I did! My score skyrocketed to 134,950!!! Bbboooyyyeeeaaaahhh!

As last night was windin' down I was flippin' through the stations to see if there was anything good on the ole tube-aroo. Not findin' a whole heck of a lot I decided on my ole standby nowadays--the Food Network. *smiles blissfully* It was All American Day (or Night?). I love the good ole USA, the red, white and blue. The show I caught was The White House Kitchens. It was interesting, but after it they showed the Top 5 Presidential Favorites and the Top 5 Favorites of the First Lady. Now, those were fun treasure troves for trivia. (Can you tell I enjoyed myself? I love odd bits of lil-known trivia, in case ya didn't know.)

They counted down backwards, of course. Have ta keep viewers in suspense, don'tcha know. It was all good. Anyway, here're the top 5 presidential and first lady faves:

    Top 5 Presidential Favorites
  1. Jelly Beans --> Reagan
  2. French Cuisine --> the Kennedys
  3. Potato chips --> Clinton
  4. French Fries --> Jefferson
  5. Barbeque --> Johnson
Some of these just floored me. I didn't know what I expected, but it sure as heck wasn't a couple of these. A few times "You're kidding me" slipped out from my lips. I mean, c'mon. Potato chips? An ordinary snack food, loaded with carbs and grease. Who knew? But then Clinton was dubbed the Fast Food President. So maybe potato chips aren't so strange. I guess I expected finer cuisine from the up-n-ups. Yes, like the Kennedys and their French cuisine.
    Top 5 Favorites of the First Ladies
  1. Martha's Great Cake --> Martha Washington
  2. Ice Cream --> Dolly Madison
  3. Saffron Sea Bass --> Nancy Reagan
  4. Million Dollar Fudge --> Mamie Eisenhower
  5. Guacamole --> Laura Bush
All of these are recipes by the first ladies themselves. Martha's Great Cake is a dessert for 12th Night, but get this: you need to make it in October in order for it to be ready by then! Annnddd it takes 40 eggs, four lbs of butter and what not to make this fruit cake. As you can imagine it's a pretty dense cake! It takes almost two months for the brandy icing or topping to sink in! What a cake!

So, what are your top 5 faves?

Did you know: Lucy Hayes, wife to our 19th president, was the first president's wife to be called the First Lady.

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