Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
An Unexpected Vent and Discovery
04-05-2003 E 5:23 p.m.
Life is ironic sometimes. Before this semester started I thought to myself, No more papers. End your last bit at ISU with classes that don't have a lot of papers. And where am I now? In a class with a lot of papers that are due most every week! Ay yai yai, what a sense of humor Fate has.

And once again, I'm putting off writing the next one for at least awhile longer. I'm really getting tired of every weekend being taken up by two-page response papers that almost always strain to be three. She wants not three, but one or two. And yet, almost always in the comments I get back with the papers she points out what I could have thrown in or considered. Take my "Knight's Guide", for example. I was focusing only on zee code of chivalry--was that not apparent in the paper? I even mentioned in the conclusion that, "There are others [points of honor], such as courtly love, that will be covered in the next edition of 'A Knight’s Guide to Chivalry'..." in hopes she'd know or understand I had thought about courtly love, but had chosen this to focus on instead. After all, it was she herself who cautioned us to pick a specific issue because we had a small space to fill when writing these thangs. Heck, I use ten point-type, because even though I focus on one thing--and give two or three examples--I nearly run over to a third page!

But no, she still suggested I "consider" this or that the next time or perhaps I could have added it in here. Gggrr. Like I said I tried to hint to her I had thought about "this or that," but had chosen chivalry as my focus. Obviously she was very into her editing and critiquing mode not to catch the hint. Perhaps that's my fault; maybe I'm just too wordy. And maybe I don't get specific enough, plumbing to zee depths she wants. Because how can you add "this or that" and not flow over?

Wow, that came outta nowheres. I hadn't expected to vent. Sorry. But it's something I've recently noticed her doing, thus the hint. But it came to no avail.

I've discovered something about my sister today that up until now I've taken quite personally when she adopts her superior "You know nothing of my life. She (Kami) is a very private person and is funny about it. she'll sometimes talk to you (meaning me or a close friend or Jessy) about something in her life, something that is really not a serious or what most people would consider a private thing. Yet if she hears you inadvertently telling another or finds out that someone other than you knows, she'll blow a gasket. Or you two will be in a conversation about a problem or concern she has (say, about a guy she's been dating) and you're trying to give her sound advice from the bottom of your heart. If it gets embarrassing or too uncomfortable for her, she'll switch topics, sometimes--and often--saying, "You have no idea what you're talking about. How can you know what's going on?"

Um, well for one, you were just telling me about it. It's like you're clueless and she's the only one who can possibly understand or know what it's like, because she's the only one to ever go through, to use my dating example, particular problems with guys.

True, everyone goes through life differently--heck, we're each our own person. But someone's problems or situations somewhere are similar to another person's somewhere else! Right? Right. Anyways, I always took offense when she would say that to me, because 1) her tone implied when it came to me knowing anythang about her life, I was an ignoramous, and 2) her tone was superior. I always hate it when people use a superior tone. It's like they think they are better than you.

Well, just now she used that attitude on Liz, a best friend of hers over the phone. I'm guessing they were talking about guys 'cause Kami ended with: "Stop it. You have no idea what you're talking about. Like your choice in guys has always been good, Liz. You're worse than me in that regard."

I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped(sp?), but it was hard not too when she was just feet away. I figured if she was just as rude to a best friend as she was with me when it came to things she doesn't wanna continue discussing, it's just the way she is. It has nothing to do with me in particular. She's just rude and funny when it comes to privacy.
Thinking is when your soul talks to itself.

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