Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Friday Five: Location, Location, Location
04-04-2003 E 4:44 p.m.

Yes! Finally a banner that is pro...just...well positive. I've seen enough banners that bash Bush and whatnot to last quite awhile. It's nice to see someone with a non-hostile attitude. Yes, this war is unfortunate and may well turn into another Vietnam, but hostility certainly doesn't help either.
And now, on to this week's Friday Five. They're not really inspiring, but I don't have time to hunt for a better set, and I'm still working on a set of my own. So, we shall go with these:

1) How many houses/apartments have you lived in throughout your life?

Um, according to Mom, we've lived in five houses (three if you don't count grandparents' homes) and (when I was way younger) three apartments, and I've lived in two more when I was down in Poky.

2) Which was your favorite and why?

I don't really have a favorite favorite; I was too young to remember some of the places we've lived--like those in Texas. All I have of them are snatches of the vaguest memories. The ones I remember the most are after the divorce when we moved to Idaho. We first lived in Grandma and Grandpa H.'s house then for about a year. (This is what "Farmhouse Memories" is based on.) It was nice living there, but so was living in the apartment we had after. It was just Mom, Mike and me and later, Dad. We moved into this house that we've had for nigh on 20 years now when Mom was expecting Kami. It's had its ups and downs, but doesn't every place? Sorry this is such a long-winded reply; I'm almost through...

Then there were the two apartments in Poky. Perhaps, if you really want me to pick a fave...it would be them. *thinks* Why? Because that's where I lived. Sure the water sucks and is nasty down there and meth labs are found and shut down nearly every week and ISU is not my fave school. Sure the apartments were accessible and nice for one or two people and ideal for small get-togethers. But that's not why. When I said "lived" I meant that's where I grew the most as a person. Perhaps not for the better in some respects, but it was the forging of a tougher Shiloh. I lost a lot of my naivet� there, I had my first taste of independence from parents and I was my own mistress. I laughed, I cried, went through depression, had my first (and only) boyfriend, got addicted to the Internet and lost a good deal of my spirituality, yet I made some good memories with friends I will have for the rest of my life. I also learned what true friends are. Yes, I would have to say those would be my favorite places.

3) Do you find moving to a new house more exciting or stressful? Why?

A bit exciting, I guess. 'Cause you're going to a new place where new things will come and you'll meet new people. I guess it's also stressful because you're leaving your friends (if you move to another city or state) and there's the matter of organizing and boxing your stuff for the move. The unknown is always stressful in a move, I think.

4) What's more important, location or price?

Well, if you're first starting out, price. But if you have a good job...then location can be the top consideration. I think though, they should have, more or less, an equalness when being considered. You want something near your job or school, but you also want something in a reasonable price range.

5) What features does your dream house have (pool, spa/bath, big yard, etc.)?

I want something wheelchair accessible. (Naturally.) I want a breathtaking view of the ocean. Someplace balmy and beautiful. *thinks* I'd like a swimming pool in the backyard--not a plastic collapsable one, a permament one--for when I don't feel like going to zee ocean.

Questions found at the Friday Five
Judge not by the eye, but by the heart.
~Cheyenne Proverb~

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