Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Musta Slipped Into a Cyberspace Twilight Zone
05-27-2003 E 6:53 p.m.
Summer's decided to announce its presence early and in full bore it seems. I don't know the exact temperature, but it's hotter than...well hot out there. I was going to say Hades, but I'm sure it could be hotter than it is right now. So I'll save that expression for an even hotter day.
This is a milestone entry, folks. My 500th one. Pretty neat huh? I was hoping to have the new layout up for this, but my trial version of Dreamweaver put a kaputz on that. *sigh* It decided to prematurely end itself. And just when it was showing promise too. *another sigh* So I don't know when it'll be up, to tell you the truth.

I feel like I've slipped into a twilight zone. Why? Well, it's either my computer or the Internet.

  • Diaryland templates or the background for the site show up nearly every time I check out a diary.
  • To bypass this problem I add in the "older.html" page to address. Irrational though it is, I feel like I'm sneaking in through the back door. Is it just me or has it happened to others? And why all of a sudden is it happening?
  • This one girl--Kate--keeps spamming me with her stupid porn sites.
  • I don't--bloody--want them! Speaking of the devil, she just bloomin' did it again. And, as I just said in this entry, there is no way to block her or to ask her to stop it as she, like other spammers, uses an unresponsive address. One that changes each time she spams me. It sucks big time. I am about ready to get rid of my instant messenger because of this. Because there is absolutely no way to prevent such reoccurences from happening. In the last 24 hours, my friends, she's spammed me eight times! That's a lil ridiculous if you ask me.
  • Google's results seem to have taken a partial vacation, if you ask me.
  • I'd say any time I tried looking up something on Google today, 25% of the time the results I tried clicking on came back with a 404 error message. I hate being thwarted. It was like I couldn't get a break. I've never had this much trouble with it before.

    *stands back and looks at what I wrote* Hmm, it looks like it's mostly Internet-based. *hands on hips* Wonder what is up with the Internet? Anyways, yeah what with this a-going on, it feels like my own Twilight Zone. Not a happy thought.


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