Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Thesaurus for Swear Words
09-21-2004 E 4:34 p.m.
Don't hold me to it, but I might update twice today. The first one I think will be my Thesaurus for Swear Words. *pauses as she senses a few raised eyebrows and hears a few gasps coming her way across the ether of cyberspace*

Yes, you heard me. Or read me. A Thesaurus for Swear Words. As I mentioned in a previous entry I have an occasional problem with swearing. I never really swore until I met April at ISU and we started hanging out. April was fun and a great friend when I needed one. However, she sure had a mouth on her. I didn't realize how much she'd rubbed off on me until I moved back home. I'd catch myself saying dammit or shit or hell under my breath if something went wrong that frustrated or angered me. Needless to say, it was a shocker to hear such words comin' out o' this mouth o' mine.

Some people say those who swear (every other sentence or for shock value) have very little imagination and an even more limited vocabulary. I agree with that assessment 100%. So it irks me that I've picked up the bad habit. For four years now I've tried to watch my mouth and curb those words before they fully form in my brain or leave the tip of my tongue. I haven't always been successful. But I had it almost licked, only swearing when I'm super upset or furious. However, I had a relapse this weekend past.

Hence the thesaurus; this idear came to me as an inventive and amusing way to break the habit. 'Course, as Acid said this past Saturday, you still know which word people are meaning even though they substitute other words for it. "And you know you're thinking it even though you don't say it," he added.

He's right, but in my opinion, it's better not to get into that habit. You also spice up your vocabulary with inventive words and use your imagination to find less harsh, coarse and offensive invectives. I've heard tell some people use Shakespearean words or phrases like "Oh happy dagger!" in lieu of certain swear words, so that's certainly an inventive option.

For myself, I usually invoke the standard tame versions of the most often used obsenities. Anyways...here's my quick, short Thesaurus for Swear Words.

-- Danged; Dang it
-- Bloody; Bloody heck
-- Dratted

-- Flip; Flipin'
-- Criminitley (from Disney's animated Robin Hood)
-- Crikey(sp?, Australian term)
-- Manitoba
-- Fudge
-- Holy Hannah (or a variety of words, like cow, heck, molely...)
-- Drats

-- Heck; Heckatoba
-- Hello
-- Hades
-- H-E-double hockey sticks

-- Shoot
-- 'Shroom
-- Shim; Shime
-- BS
-- Bull; Bullcrap
-- Baloney

I use Frickin' and Fracken for the F word as well--which I now refuse to utter and which I won't befoul this journal with. What about name calling, you ask? Well, it's the watered-down variety: jerk; jerk-off; creep; prick; pervert; scumbag; S.O.B.; pig... *shrugs*

This has been a different entry for me, I know. This is the most you'll see me swear in one entry, so...don't think you'll be seeing a like entry again. Unless I get torqued off royally or am betrayed.

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