Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Chuggle and Breadain
09-20-2004 E 1:01 p.m.
I have two new words for you that I made up. I'm quite proud of them. Usually, it's my sister or friends who come up with catchy or cutesy words or phrases, but this time sleep-deprivation was my aide. It helped me create what I think are cute words. I don't think they'll catch on or be widely used by anyone other than myself and maybe Heather. The first word is

A cross between a chuckle and a giggle.

Heather and I were talking (as always) on MSN last week about something, I forget now what it was, but she giggled at what I said.

"Well, it's not really a giggle," she said, pondering her noise of mirth. "It's more like a chuckle...but not. A chiggle?"

Not liking that very much (it reminded me of the word "chigger," a very nasty bug) I pondered a good cross-word myself.

"Chuggle," I declared, liking that better.

Apparently she does too, because she's used it twice since.

The second word, to me, is quite humorous. It happened quite by accident last night in a conversation with Acid.

A serendipitious typo in a state beyond braindead tiredness.

Pretty much, that definition explains it all. For the last week and a half I haven't made it to sleep before two in the morning or gotten up before 10:30 or 11. Yes, I'm a lazy bones night owl. Last night was the first time I've gone to bed around midnight and passed out relatively quick. But before that, for the life of me my fingers tangled over the keys. I knew in my head what I was saying, but it came out twisted on the screen. Ah well. The humor of life and the sleep-deprived. *gentle smile*

I also said to Acidcrawl (in the same conversation), "So, I rest my can, Your Honor." In my head I had said "So, I rest my case, Your Honor."

I'd been trying to explain my quiet, distant attitude earlier that afternoon. I looked at the screen, blinked and reread what I'd typed. I grimaced and corrected myself. "Ugh. I meant case, sorry. Just shows you how breadain I am."

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
~Victor Borge~

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