Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Hump Day: The Bra, What You Never Knew About It
11-17-2004 E 12:39 p.m.
I'm FFFEEELLLIING great today! I'm also a lil--well, maybe bubbling over--goofy. You've been warned, so if you find this entry a lil bit odd or silly you know why. Aaanndd let the fun begin!

I'm happy because once again, I conquered my fear of needles even better than the last time. I wasn't as uptight; I wasn't panicky and was almost relaxed. Hey, for me, needles are a big deal, no matter how big or small they are. So, I'm claimin' bragging rights. I also got rid of my hearing problem--stuffed up ears. They cleaned them out for me, so now--I--can--HEAR! LOL. Yay!

Also, Nan is finally joining Paw Paw in Utah. They're mmooovin' Out West y'all! *chuggles* Nan flies out today and Paw Paw and my daddy or uncle will bring the truck filled with their stuff and their car. I'm ssoo excited!!! We've been so far apart while I grew up that it's neat they'll only be a state away. Yyyeeahh! It's our turn to have them fer a bit, preferably for a good long while. Nan wants to have us down for Thanksgiving =0}, for turkey and cranberry sauce, for cornbread dressin', black-eyed peas (yum!), a relish plate, pumpkin pie and mincemeat. Mmmmm-mmm! I've been lookin' forward to it all month long! It'll be fun--we've never really got to do it before because they lived so far away.

Today--Wednesday--is usually known as Hump Day, as it's the middle of the week. The same people who do Music Mambo on Mondays also do prompts for Hump Day. Part of last week's cracked me up and fits with my mood today so I decided to do it. Ya ready? *grins*

Let's have some fun--let's warm up by fabricating our own factoids about the bra. First, tell us some of the crazy things you've heard a bra called such as a "double slingshot." Second, tell us what other things a bra might be useful for. Example: a double winter cap for a couple. Or the wire in the underwire bra can be used to pick a lock. Get the idea?

Ok, *rubs hands together, smiling* I enjoy this topic too much, I think. Ok, I've heard the double slingshot, "coralling the ladies," "das hooters holder" *laughs* and "the miracle worker!" Hmmm, *thinks about the second part* the double winter cap is a good one. While I'm thinking here's what Sandy (Sam, my ex-care provider) called a nail or peg on a shelf: das hooters holder holder! We both laughed riotously over that one. You have to use a German accent to get the full effect, however. Let's see...you could use a braziere as a double medical mask for Siamese twin doctors. You could use one as a tiger or jaguar's ear muffs--that is, if you're brave (or stupid) enough to try and put one on one of those big lovelies. If you have underwire bras then...you could use the wire as a boomerang, or if you're an assassin, you could use the wire as a Ninja-like weapon (the sharp round thing with blades they throw and that sometimes comes back to them). Oook, I think my imagination is starting to get a lil out there. I better stop there before I get another wild idear.



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