Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Thursday Food For Thought: Disney Fun
11-18-2004 E 4:09 p.m.
*groans* I hit a wrong blasted button--or rather I hit a button, period. Now my entire entry is lostarola. *sigh*

As I said in my first attempt at this, I noticed the other day Sunday Brunch had done a set on Disney and I can't resist answering. If you know me well at all, you know I'm a Disney buff. I've even joked about Mickey being my boyfriend. Yes, yes. I date a mouse. Sorry Minnie, you'll just have to share.

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." ~Walt Disney

1) What is your favorite Disney movie and why?

Oh gees, this is asking nearly the impossible! LOL. I can't do this in a pinch! I have too many favorites to name an all-time fave. But if you'll settle for the first one to strike my fancy I'll give you that. The animated Robin Hood.

2) Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

Mmmmiiiccckey! He's sunny and cheery and cute!

3) What is your favorite Disney song and why?

God Help the Outcasts from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I guess because I am an underdog due to my disability, I root for the underdogs. I empathize, sympathize, with them. Plus, it's a beautiful song and asks for God's Spirit and aid to be with them. God bless and help the outcasts, for no one will.

4) Disneyland or Disneyworld? Why?

I don't have a preference. Haven't been to either, though I would like to go to the one with the Haunted Mansion attraction.

5) Do you have any decorations or articles of clothing in your home that are Disney and what are they?

Um yeah. Once again we'd be here awhile if I listed everything. Yes, I told you I'm a Disney buff. I'll just list three things I have worn or used recently that are Disney items.

  1. Mickey Mouse two-toned bracelet watch
  2. new hooded cream sweatshirt with a sparkly winter scene of Thumper on skis that reads "Snow Bunny" in white bubble letters
  3. a Mickey print on a blue background fleece blanket =0}
I have lots more items, but I ain't gonna sit here listin' them all. So enjoy your night.

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moon phase


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