Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Can I Resist Temptation? I Don't Know
06-04-2003 E 7:00 p.m.
Seems we're not fated to go on this camping trip, Kjerstina and I. Serves me right for saying we were so soon before I knew for certain. I just read her email telling me she might have asked for next Friday off too late, for the scheduler had already made up the week's schedule. She'll know for sure tomorrow and will email me.

True, I am being more dramatic than what is probably warranted, but if you knew how many times we've tried setting a date for this trip, only to have to constantly postpone it, maybe you'd understand my dramatics. Also true, we may still be able to go, I dunno. But honey, with our track record to date on this thang I'm leaning heavily on the no-go possibility. So I'm being a Negative Nelly on this, sue me.

I am in deep trouble. Nan's gift to me was a 100 smackeroos, twice as much as I thought I'd recieve. I cashed her check and put it in my money jar as a head start on saving up for my new computer. I was afraid if I deposited it into my account, it would be too easy to spend it on other things of equal desirability but of lesser importantance. I was right. The deep trouble I'm in is the temptation to slip 20 smackaroos into my account to spend it on two or three items I'm really wanting.

  • The Lady and the Dragon by Regan Forest

  • The Chronicles of the Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde

  • Jumping Jack Flash (movie)
  • I'm really fighting myself over this. I'm the type of person who, if she has money and there is something she's really interested in, she gives in to that indulgence and buys it. =os Somebody help me! Must...not...spend...any...of...that...$100! In fact, must...add...to...it. Although, my birthday is coming up next month; I'm sure I'll get some more money then. Then I'll really be in trouble. I'll want to use some of that money to get what I'm wanting now. And I have a feeling temptation is going to best me come my birthday.

    One last thing: another trivia question from Tricky Trivia:
    How much of a tree that's been cut for timber actually ends up as usable wood?

    The timber industry goes against the grain of cost efficiency. Between the tree and your dining table, most of what was originally standing ends up as waste.

    Picture yourself dismembering a carrot for a salad. You begin by lopping off the top, right? Lumberjacks do the same to a tree, removing its top and its branches before they even yell…… you know what. By the time what's left is on its way to a mill, as much as half of its original volume is gone.

    Another twenty-five percent is left in the sawmill, much of it as sawdust. Hey, they have to have something to put on the barroom floor, don't they? Another eighth is wasted in machining the lumber for the final product. That leaves as little as an eighth of the original tree, a mere chip off the old block.
    Do not weep; do not wax indignant. Understand.
    ~Baruch Spinoza~

    ..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

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