Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
June Is Here
06-02-2003 E 2:39 p.m.
So far today I've not been spammed by her. *knocks on wood* I swear if it wasn't the only way to talk to online friends and Heather quicker than email, I'd get rid of MSN Messenger so I wouldn't have to see her and "Josee's" stupid porn messages. I have never been spammed so much in the whole time I've used MSN as I have in the past few weeks with her.

You can always tell it's June. Why? Well, because of all the hype about weddings. I've noticed in the past two years the Lifetime Channel has started having a day or week of movies centering around couples taking the big plunge and saying their "I dos"; sometimes it's the whole month even. Today it aired a movie called Baby of the Bride, with Rue McClenahan(sp?) as the bride.

Not meaning to fuss or complain, but why do the entreprenuers and tv stations think they have to promote and hype up every lil occasion? Big holidays I can understand. But things like weddings? Sure, they're special--to those involved. But why dedicate a month to an event that's so individualistic and happens year-round depending upon the couple?

Speaking of June, I think it's been six months, maybe a bit more since I last saw Kjerstie, my friend. I can't remember exactly when it was--isn't that terrible of me?--but I told her not to let a year pass before we saw each other again like before. She laughed and said perhaps in June (now). True to her word, it looks like she may be coming for our Yellowstone camping trip (that's been planned for two or three years now, but never happened) next Friday. I'm excited to see her again; I miss hanging out with her regularly.

However, it looks like she may be bringing two of her younger sisters with her on this trip. *feels like an ogre for the selfish feeling creeping through her* They're both sweet, well-mannered girls and I like them a lot, but since we both moved away from Pocatello, she to Utah and me here, I hardly get to see her or spend time alone with her. When she does come, if we don't get out of the house, Aubree's constantly trying to keep Kjerstina's attention on her. Yes, I know this sound so petty and whiny, but it's just frustrating to me. I've been looking forward to this trip a long time, to have some time alone with her to make new memories and remember fond old ones without outside influences that are a part of my everyday life. Does that make me the ogre I feel like?

*sigh* But true to my form, I will roll with the punches and let things happen as they will. I already said they could come. I didn't have the guts or the heart to tell her they couldn't. *sigh* Still, it's sure to be fun.
It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.
~Franklin D. Roosevelt~

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Recently Recorded...
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06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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