Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Spiraling Thoughts Ordered
06-05-2003 E 2:02 p.m.
*grasps at spiraling thoughts in an attempt to pull them into some sort of order*

Switzerland - A neutral power for as long as most can remember,
it has avoided war for several centuries.
However, it is still considered highly advanced
and a global power.

Powerful without Force.
Makes Excellent Watches, Etc.

Target of Ridicule.
Constant Struggle to Avoid Conflict.
Target of Criminal Bank Accounts.

Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I woke up three days ago with some type of rash on my right elbow and inner arm. I'm thinking it may be some type of heat rash as it was really hot there for a few days, as you well know. The redness has faded to a pale, pale pink, but it still burns, stings and itches as much as it did when it first appeared. And no, it's not spreading, thank goodness. I've kept a watch on it, in case it did. At first I thought it was hives, but it's not puffy or warm to the touch. It just drives me crazy, is all.

I just took a break and called Nana to see if she knew what it might be or if Paw Paw was home (he's a doctor) to tell me what to do. He's taking a nap, so he will have to call me back.

Today is Aubree's birthday party--her birthday is Sunday. Mom and those of us home have been cleaning, straightening, etc. for tonight. Mom will take them (Aubree and her five friends) to the mall for a couple hours then back here for cake, ice cream and presents. After that it's movies on the deck and a sleepover on the tramp. Can we say 'indulged' and 'doted upon'?

For my birthday I'm tempted to ask if Heather would like to spend the night that Friday before, or just come for the family dinner and party the day of my birthday...or whenever it's held.

The past two days I've been cold. Mom has kept aall the windows open and the entry door open (with the screen door shut) 24 hours a day. So I've been chilled. I decided to go outside on the deck for a minutes in hopes of warming up and playing with Egypt.

It is so beautiful out there. Impossible blue sky, intermittent fluffy white clouds grazing its dome and bright white sunlight slanting down to warm the green grass and everything it touches. Insects droned when I was out there, and a few birds chirped somewhere in nearby trees. It was peaceful, and I sat there, thinking back to earlier times when we were kids playing out there. We had the tramp, Dad had our pool up and sometimes we'd get the Slip 'n' Slide out. I looked to my left in the general vicinity of where the lilac bush had been. Wistfulness filled me. I wish it was still there, I thought. It had lent beauty to the backyard. But, the times change. Things grow more complicated, we grow up, we grow older. It was like a balm. Neat.

out of curiosity I just took two quizes to see what my true zodiacs should be. The first said I should've been an Aquarius, and my Chinese one said I should've been the Monkey. Ha! While they may have some aspects I portray, there is no way I'll willingly give up my Crab and Rabbit mascots. Those zodiacs fit me to a T and I'm darn proud of them.
Hope is patience with the lamp lit.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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