Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sunday Brunch On a Monday: Colors of the Rainbow
12-13-2004 E 2:39 p.m.
And once again the Sunday Brunch is on a Monday. Someday I'll get these prompts on the right days.

"Where does the violet tint end and the orange tint begin? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blending enter into the other. So with sanity and insanity." ~Herman Melville

1) What is your favorite color?

That deep purple of pansies. Some call it "Royal Purple," because it was the color preferred by or associated with royalty in ancient times.

2) What colors are your cars?

I have no cars, as I don't drive because of my disability. But if I had a car, it'd be a deep champagne gold. My previous wheelchair was teal in color, and the Rainbow Serpent is an apt name for my current one.

3) What color are your eyes?

Well, they're a mixture of blue, green and gray, so I guess they're hazel. However, they can be really blue or green or gray, depending on my mood or what I wear. If I'm really intense about something or focused they are green; high emotions, I guess. However, if I'm depressed or ticked or otherwise displeased, my eyes turn gray.

4) What color do you like to wear most often?

Shades of purple, of course! LOL.

5) Name your favorite possession of each color of the rainbow: (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple)

This is a fun question and all, but I really don't have an appropriate answer. It'd take me some time to remember and figure out what I own that is of every color of the rainbow.

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moon phase


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