Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Rainbow Serpent
12-12-2001 E 8:38 p.m.
Here is another Webkin test I took. I thought it was cool.

Take the What Cat Are You? test by webkin!

My first full day in the new wheelchair. Everything is almost perfect. Everything 'cept the cushion. I don't like it. I know, I know. I have to get used to it. And I'm not giving it a fair chance. Well, it may be comfortable, but it hasn't improved my posture. Gina, my physical therapist says I just need to get used it; it's different than anything I've ever felt. She also said, as well as A.J.--the occupational therapist who worked on authorizing the new chair--that with the Roho cushion you won't slide.

Well, guess what? I've slid forward, sometimes even sideways to the left. So it hasn't made for a peaceful start of adjusting or a comfortable one. I've so wanted to trade seats. I'm just about to the point where I'll do it for tomorrow. Heck, I have a long day at school and I want to be comfortable. So sue me fer being stubborn about the chair.

I hate being a pain, but this is my body and independence we're talking about. I have to be in the Rainbow Serpent about 15 hours a day, and I dang well better be comfy. Yet be able to shift to stay comfy.

Yeah. I named my wheelchair. Kinda surprised me because I have never named any of my appliances or modern day conveniences. The only things I've named are my stuffed animales (spanish spelling; I'm eccentric, bear with me). But, for some reason at therapy while I watching Gina and an aide fiddle with the back, I suddenly got a good look at the design on the wheelchair. It's shiny, like a snakeskin, I thought. In the next moment "Rainbow Reptile" popped into my head. The frame is black with rainbow irridescence speckled over it.

"I like Rainbow Serpent better," Mom said a few hours later at dinner. (The irridescence also reminded her of snakes.) Thus, it is now the Rainbow Serpent.

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