Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Help! I Dream of Strange Guys
08-27-2003 E 3:24 p.m.
I am sleepy. I should never eat and then just sit passively. I need my mind engaged in something consuming. I shouldn't be sleepy; I got almost 12 hours of sleep last night. It's just the eating and sitting that has me.

Like most of my dreams, the one I had last night was odd and bizarre. My family and I were at this old-time resort like the one from Dirty Dancing. It was weird. I was just goin' about, on my own, yet I kept running into the owner?/partner who ran this place. He was a tall, pencil-thin man in his 40s, who wasn't really bad looking; he looked like a man from a Murder, She Wrote movie special. And he had dark hair. In fact, several people in my dream were movie stars, but I can't remember who they were now. As the day has worn on, the dream's faded somewhat. And he acted as if he were romantically interested in me. He soon started giving me gifts like a balloon bouquet, flowers and candy. Pretty soon the "bumping into each other" stopped and he just trailed me, along with several other employees, to "make sure I was ok and having a good time." He was kind and funny so I really didn't mind the unusual attention. Truly, I was floored at his attention and leery of how my parents would react. So I stayed in parts where I might not see them, but all of us eventually met up in the indoor pool area. The guy sat down on the bench with me in the observation area. I scooched over so there was a bit more room between us and joked and laughed with him, trying to give the impression of a platonic air. But I needn't have worried. The family was preoccupied with its watery fun.

I don't remember mucch after that, except that once when I tried leaving for an outing the employees were reluctant to allow me to go. They feared I was leaving their boss, whom they revealed was or called the Elf King. The dream switched after that to a college scene. I still had a romantic interest chasing me. I was a teacher there and was thinking of leaving for a new adventure. In a meeting with other teacchers (who seemed to be the employees of the resort) they finally tore from me--unwillingly, of course--the truth. I really didn't want to go. At that admission I burst into tears and ran from the room. Suddenly I was back in my wheelchair and driving it down halls and stairs in an effort to stay ahead of those who'd decided to chase me. It became a game to me.

Weird, weird, weird. I liked the guy and I liked the fact he liked me, but I felt odd about having someone 15 years my senior interested in me. When I woke up I questioned myself once again about the guys I dream about. I'm odd and definitely weird, but am I twisted??
I'm not going to worry unless the animals start lining up two by two for the next space shuttle.

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