Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I Have Issues
04-09-2003 E 6:02 p.m.
Well, next week is the big day. A week from today and my frustrations with this group project will be over. Yes, I'm afraid this is another vent about my group. Though I promise to be brief. It seemed a week ago things were pulling together, the girls were starting to think critically and pooling viable idears as possible topics of discussion. And ways for us to present the text we chose, 1001 Nights.

We finally settled on three things: a) Parables and the purposes set forth in the Foreword (my topic), b) Fairy tales of Arabia (Darci's topic) and c) How women were viewed and treated in ancient Arabia versus the time these tales were compiled and versus now (Courtney's topic). As for presenting it, well we decided to open with the intro of Disney's Aladdin and then use Powerpoint to supplement the rest of our prez, as Courtney has it on her puter.

Monday, when we last spoke hurriedly on this I suggested we meet this Thursday (tomorrow) to firm up what info we've got and give her (Courtney) the basic points from each of our parts of the presentation so she can put our Powerpoint slides together. Courtney gave me this look that read loud and clear: "Say what?!"

Consternated, I said, "I thought we were doing Powerpoint?"

"Am I supposed to be doing that?" she asked.

Ddduuuhhh.... I'm sorry that sounds rude, but she said she could do it. "You said you had Powerpoint on your computer," I reminded her.

"Yes, I do. I guess...I could do it." she said slowly in a tone I took as if I have to.

I didn't say a thing as we parted in separate directions down the hall. But I couldn't help but think, I wish I was with another group. I thought we had this settled? Then, How could she be so blonde? How could she forget so quickly?

Then today before parting we reset the time and place for tomorrow--that was another thang she forgot. And she suggested doing a crossword puzzle or word search as part of our presentation. This is after the group who went on Monday had a crossword puzzle competition as part of their prez! *calms down* Um, can we say copycat?? So, there we have it, a wishy-washy prez with an uncertain format. *end of rant*

I had a Buffy-like dream last night, even though I haven't seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer in a couple weeks. Quite interesting let me tell you. Instead of being about vampire slaughter, it focused on werewolves.

I think I was at a church party, though it was definitely not a church party, so perhaps I was at the church, but the majority of party-goers were not behaving like they were at a youth church function. In fact, they had the "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die" attitude. Some people were dancing and just having a good ole time. Others were passed out on the floors in hallways or passed out in the bathroom. And all were wearing bright clothes, the colors of the rainbow, and surprisingly modestly dressed. The werewolves and other people of the night (vampires and the like) had infiltrated the building (which throws great doubt on the building being a church--not that I believe all werewolves or vampires, though fictional, are bad) and were either partying with the humans or were adding numbers to their ranks. Me? I was separate from the party and precedings, though why I was there I dunno. One werewolf there kinda had a thing for me, and so he would trail me from room to room while I tried staying away from him. I didn't want to get bit by anyone, so I finally had the bright idea that if I sat in the sun coming in through windows or the glass doors they'd leave me in peace. The werewolf thought I was playing a game with him, all the while flirting with me. I would start to enter a room, and he would pop out from by the wall next to the door and make a pass at me. As I didn't want to be a part of the party I would soon leave the room to seek a bit of space and silence. But he followed me. Finally, as it was growing dark in zee building I sought the sunshine outside. I raced in my chair to those spots, I guess the Night People were making me uneasy--more than I cared to admit. But the sun was setting fast, so I hightailed it to this one white house that was empty at the moment. No one was home. I think I had the idea to hide from the pack of werewolves, which ironically(?) was led by my werewolf. Somehow, even though it had stairs, I got inside the house and managed to hide. They followed me to the house and were searching for me when the floor beneath me gave way, and I came crashing--timber and all--right...into...his arms. 'Course he was pleased, he got me right where he wanted me. He asked me, since he had me now, if I was ready to be with him.

Half jokingly I said, "Only if you bite me after I'm asleep. I'm not good with pain."

He laughed, said ok and set me in my chair, which happened to be next to him. Just then the family who lived in the white house returned and of course wondered what we'd done to their house. The children, a boy and girl clustered around me, biting my legs--obviously they were vampires, as were their parents. I don't remember too much of what happened after. I remember telling the kids to stop, pushed them away in trying to reach the protection of my werewolf.

Now, I know this is symbolic in some way of something in my life, but I don't know what. If you're good at interpreting dreams, please do so on this one for me, please? I know if I could find out what it means, I'd have more insight to an inner issue I obviously have.

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moon phase


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