Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Word This Week is "The"
08-28-2003 E 11:34 a.m.
It's "The" Week. Huh? What's that? you're askin'. Well, it's what I've labeled this week. Sometimes I get in a mood to relax a handful of evenings by settling in with a good movie. I started Sunday with The Princess Diaries--I love that movie!--then Monday was The Bourne Identity with Matt Damon--excellent movie. Tuesday was The Golden Child, see a theme here yet? LOL. Those three movies were just random choices, but once I realized they all had "the" at the beginning of their titles, I thought Why not? It'll be fun to have a theme. And so I've continued the movie regime I started.

Last night I watched an old classic. Fall is nigh onto coming and so I'm getting into the spooky/fun/intense mode some people get into around O' Hallow's Eve. I watched The Ghost and Mr. Chicken with Don Knotts. That is such a great movie. Even though the plot does not involve Halloween, the solving of a murder-suicide mystery is excellent for the holiday. And if you're just into old movie classics, then you'll love this one. Another old classic for Halloween you might like or love is Arsensic and Old Lace, with handsome Cary Grant and the spook meister, Boris Karloff.

Tonight I'm either thinking about The American President or The Phantom. Then there is The Shadow and The Saint I can watch as I finish up my week. Or there is always The Santa Clause...*smiles*

I need to start cross-stitching again.
Children don't exaggerate, they just remember big.

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moon phase


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