Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Snow and Other Things
01-29-2002 E 6:40 p.m.
I got my movie! Yay, now I can watch it wheneevver the mood strikes me!
Ok I just had to get that out of my system. Did you know, on the way home I started plotting out this entry? How it would start and the train of thought it would take. Bbbuut then I got home and lil things stuck out in visible places to remind me they were not to be forgotten. For example, an old phone bill payment Dad had found when cleaning out bills in a cupboard. (I was in a hurry this morning so I left it on my desk to ponder later.) It was one Mom had put up there to drop off "later." Obviously she'd forgotten it was there and had never delivered it. Needless to say I was quite ticked. No wonder the phone company had called and sent a notice I was gonna get disconnected! Lately I haven't been able to give Mom a check or money or bill until she is going out to run errands because she puts my stuff up until she goes. She lost my other payment once. So these two incidences give me good cause not to give money to her until she is ready to run my errands.

The second thing is heard and felt rather than seen. My wheelchair. It's gotten so aggravating trying to turn or back up. As soon as I got home today I called Valley Medical. The parts are in, but another interesting bit of news was imparted to me regarding the Serpent. Some parts are being recalled by the Quickie company. The armrests and electronics are the two major ones. An appointment was set up for tomorrow to replace everything that is a problem or might become a problem.

I think one of the most romantic songs is Richard Marx's Right Here Waiting. *listening to it now* It just pulls at my heartstrings somehow and almost puts tears in my eyes. I love that song. It came out when I was 16, so I kinda think of it as marking my 16th year. On my Sweet Sixteenth a friend bought that tape (shows you how old I am, ha ha) and we played it over and over before we all went to bed.

*smiles* Egypt cracks me up. He has taken to clawing the french doors leading to the deck when he wants in. It sounds like a VCR eating a tape or what I imagine a computer would sound like if it went kaput! This morning he was at the doors again and he clawed the window in one. Then he'd stop to look and see if anyone was coming. After a few seconds he started clawing again then went to the other windowed door and clawed that. He was ssssssooo cute! "Let me in! Let me in!" he seemed to say.

Ok, finally I can get to that topic I had in mind fer today. Snow. Have you ever wondered why it sparkles when the sun hits it?

For a summer baby I sure like snowman figurines. I think they're cute and give off a great personality. And man, I've seen some interesting piles of snow passing off as snowpersons this winter. Across the street in the neighbor's yard the snowman has got to be standing at least 7 or 8 feet high! And it looks kinda like he's inclining his great big head at you, I'm sure because the forceful winds we've been having. Today on the bus I noticed he has a red SOLO plastic cup as a nose, a magenta scarf around his neck and another SOLO cup (this one blue) for a ridiculously small hat.

Another snowy gent graces a yard we pass everyday on the way out of town. This one has his broad back to us. He is bowing slightly to the house he protects (I think the high winds got to him too, unless the occupants of the house made him bowing like that). His twig arms are held out to the sides and are warmed with blue mittens on their ends.

A third house on the route out of town boasts a snow family, however poorly formed. These look more like round lumps of white stuff piled onto each other on either side of the small "child." Twigs form the arms of the parents and each has a "hand" on the child's "shoulders." No other adornments have been added.

Pretty interesting huh? The one across our street has easily got to be the biggest snowman I've ever seen. It was so funny to watch the three kids trying to get the abdomen up on to the base. It kept rolling off on the side. They finally had to use a step ladder to get it on right! LOL

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moon phase


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