Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Time: A Loop Or a Line?
01-28-2002 E 7:02 p.m.
Time is such a funny thing. Is it a loop that meanders back onto itself this way and that, or is it a straight line into forever with windows allowing a select few throughout the ages to glimpse or experience a bit of the past or future?

Strange way to start an entry I know, but today has dealt with the concept of time. I wanted a thought provoker, so I just voiced my own question. Isn't it funny (well not at the time--ha ha, I made a funny) that when you're in a hurry "time" seems to crawl? And when you want more "time" it unfairly seems to speed up?

Ggrrr!! AOL is really ticking me off. In the last week it has taken to timing and kicking me off if I don't respond fast enough to its question, "Do you wish to remain online? Yes or No?" Which just happened. I can't even go eat without being kicked off. And it never fails--6 o' clock rolls around and bam! I'm timed and kicked off.

But back to the day at hand. The day dawned drearily and cold--freezing cold. The wind blew snow about (I wish I were in Hawaii), making visibility difficult. The driver of my bus, just south of Rigby, had to pull over to the side and knock the ice forming on the windshield wipers free. That whole trip to I.F. "time" slowed for me. It felt like an hour longer than it actually took. I was worried about having enough time with Susan because of my class. You see, it takes 10 minutes each to and from the SUB back the CHE. And, with the loads of snow we have this winter it takes even longer. I was also afraid I would get stuck in the snow crossing to the SUB or going back to the CHE.

I was anxious to get there to see Susan, so I could get things squared away with my graduation status. The sooner done, the less worry I have. So once dropped off at the CHE, I fishtailed my way through the snowy parking lot to the Student Union Building. I made my noisy way upstairs (the motor growls now in a bad way when I back up in a certain direction and the Serpent shudders) to the outter office. When I gave my name I was told Susan called in sick! I tried rescheduling, but none of her open times this week meshed with mine. I'm gonna have ta call her to make a new appointment. *sigh*

That was a waste of time, I thought, fishtailing back to the CHE. But lil did I know that that statement would sum up my foray to I.F. I passed the door of my classroom to find a spot to settle and wait. In doing so, a paper pinned to the board by the door arrested my attention. In big, bold lettering it read:

I sat staring at it in disbelief for several seconds. Canceled? As last semester waned it was what I hoped for. I'd hoped my math professor would cancel class, but he never did. Yet here I was, my only class canceled. However, instead of being thrilled I was annoyed. My bus, my only way of getting home was long gone.

Mind racing with what I should do, I descended the elevator to go find the free phones in the hall. I dialed the first number that came to mind.

"Mom? My class is canceled."

Mom: (sigh) "Great. Is your bus still there?"

"I had to meet with my adviser before class. It was gone when I went to class."

"Ok. Do you know if it's still in the area? When did he drop you off?"

"Around ten. He might be."

Mom was really sweet about it. She told me to try the dispatcher and tell her the news, then call back as soon as I could because Mom was leaving soon for a chiropractor appointment.

No answer at the office of the CART bus, so I left a message. I called Mom back, hoping she was still there. The thermostat on our van is broken so in these temps and weather, it's not a good vehicle to drive even to I.F. So she was unable to pick me up. The best that could be done was for her to call the office and hope they could catch the driver before he made his way back to Rexburg.

Bless his heart, he came at eleven. But the thing is I wasted two rides on my pass. Anyways...

Once home I called Nan, as she had called yesterday or Saturday. Apparently my daddy (birth father) took a Medieval History class recently and got an A. Guess what my incomplete is in from two years ago? Medieval History. She thinks I can still do a paper on a subject for that class, therefore removing the I with a letter grade. Um, I don't think after all this "time" the professor would be willing to take a paper. This however, was a possibilty Nan dismissed. Nan is a force to be reckoned with. *chuckles slightly*

I finished the third Harry Potter today. Once again "time" played a part. Hermione had that Time-Turner, which she used to turn back time so she made it to every class. It was interesting how Rowling used "time" upon itself to gain more "time" in order for Harry and Hermione to be heroes. With all these time travel stories about, it would sure be interesting to see how "time" really works.
I forgot to add this, enjoy!

By Meeki
Take the Test now!

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