Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Pirate Movie
01-20-2002 E 9:38 p.m.
Handsome pirates, swordfights, slapstick comedy, great songs. Where does that put me? On Cloud 9. I tell ya, I love this show. Ever since a friend told me about it and I first rented I've loved it. The young woman is sassy and bold, the young pirate is a mixture of naivet� and iron will when it comes to honor. And the pirate king, a true sailor who loves for his crew to sing (and has his treasure map tatooed on his back). Then there are the fraidycat bobbies (British constables). Oh! And the pizza/pie fight when the pirates invade the castle! I can't ferget that.

Some may say it's dumb because it is a musical or because of the type of humor. It is a spoof off of the opera "The Pirates of Penzance" after all. And spoofs can be known to be dumb. But I so love this show! Course I love certain spoofs. They are so funny!

It's not very well known I don't think. I don't remember it coming out, I certainly didn't see any promos. The only reason I know about it is because my friend told me. You can't find it in stores; course it was made in zee '80s. Each time I rent it I watch it as many times as I'm capable of and hate returning it, cause I want to keep it. I watched it last night (and today) and grew determined to have a copy. I asked Dad if he could record it. Yes he could, but he also told me to check on amazon.com.

So, today I did. (Btw Egypt came home last night around 10:35, shivering and cold. That's why I can be so dreamy.) And to my great surprise and joy they have it! Though the price was more than I expected. I wish I coulda haggled. But it's the only place I found The Pirate Movie. And I do want it. So I bought it. Then I'll be able to video teach Heather!

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