Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Blur of a Day
01-30-2002 E 8:23 p.m.
Ow, my jaw hurts. I was yawning and it was ok. But next time I yawned, it suddenly hurt like my jaw was out of line. It's annoying and really weird cause I didn't hear or feel a pop. So I have no way to explain it.

Today seems like a blur, I can't believe it's 8:30 already. I was going to accomplish several things today, because I've decided tomorrow is my day off. From everything--school, worries and other things I may be forgetting ta add. I plan on going to Mom's bowling, ordering some of the alley's good food, come home and watch The Pirate Movie. After that I may read more Harry Potter or work on one of my stories. Perhaps A Unicorn's Love or my other unicorn story temporarily dubbed the Quest For the Starran. I dunno. It's whatever fits my whim.

For, pretty soon I'm gonna be knee deep in a written proposal. Our third assignment in Writing is a formal proposal on whatever we wish to write or prove. Two students are doing theirs on Yoga. Another is doing hers on an issue in anthropolgy. I'm still a bit clueless as to what my topic will be. But after looking at an example the professor handed out, an idea sparked in my meager brain. The student had proposed to prove the media abuses its right to freedom of speech in court. Naturally, being a major in the mass media, I was a bit affronted. And for some reason it reminded me that the media, especially the movie market, gets blamed for some of the violence or stupid acts committed by people. For example, in one movie if I remember right--I don't know which one, sorry--a phone booth was set afire supposedly with people inside. Awhile later the news reported an incident where one or two guys copied this act and one person actually died. Or was seriously maimed. The media was blamed for this tragedy on the premise that it had fostered this insane idea.

I've said this before, so please forgive me. The media is not totally at fault. Nor is it totally innocent. I liken it to a window. It allows you to see and know what is going on in the world around us. It reports what it sees and hears. At night, when darkness falls all that can be seen on the inside is a reflection. A reflection of the world is like. I guess what I'm trying to say is the media reports what we do, reflecting our actions in the entertainment field. Then, on the outside of that window we look in, some of us getting harebrained ideas of copying the media. Did that make sense?

Anyways please let me know if you think that's a good topic.

After I got home, my whole productive afternoon went to pot. Well Valley Medical came and replaced the parts, which is good. However, I needed to sit on the couch as it took him two hours to work on the chair. So I had to lounge around and was unable to get a start on research for topics. Oh well. Good news is I'm back in my teal baby for a few days because the bearing in the right front tire of the Serpent is completely gone. Anyways that's it for tonight.

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moon phase


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