Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Shows With Intensity
02-02-2002 E 4:08 p.m.
Sorry about not updating. I either did not have time when I thought of doing it or I was sidetracked into doing other things. Like last night. I was working on the Celtic set (which turned out differently than I wanted, but still looks all right) and was thinking of updating when Mom distracted me with dinner and a romantic movie set in Italy. Which reminds me, I'm to look for the book on Amazon.com for Mom. Then, even later Dad came home with the rental, Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles.

Not much luck in finding research I'm afraid, *sigh* which means I'll have to redouble my efforts tomorrow and Monday. I'm thinking if I could find the paper I wrote (an opinion paper with just examples talked of in a class I took at Ricks) on this topic, it might refresh my memory and be of help. Trouble is, Mom cleaned and she moved the folders that were on the bottom shelf of my bookcase. I don't know why, but I kept the papers I wrote for that class. Anyways, I need ta ask Mom where they be.

Tonight however, I get to see my "hubby" again. Yay! I am going to The Lord of the Rings with a new friend I made on the bus a week or so ago. Gabrielle is from NM and she and her sister, Danielle, go to BYU-Idaho. Gabby wants to be a marine biologist. So, we are going to see Legolas of the kissable lips, Elijah Wood and his impossibly blue eyes, and oh yeah, while falling in love, we'll become hearing impaired by the banshees--I mean the Ring Wraiths. Man those things are LOUD!

Have any of you seen Rose Red? I didn't really see it, but what I did watch was a documentary on the house, which was far more interesting and eerie than Stephen King's portrayal. The house was built by John Rimbauer in the early 1900s as a wedding present for his bride (seems like a lot of wealthy men did this in that era for their wives) Ellen. She kept a diary of her life there in Rose Red. She said the house seemed to change proportions and even looks. A basement one day would be a dark and dank dungeon the next. A great hall one day would be a palatial ballroom when next somebody entered. Some say the house itself breathes. That I have a time believing. I do believe however, that there is an evil or angry entity permeating the mansion. The reason for it, according to my understanding from the documentary, is the house might have been built on a sacred burial ground once used by Native Americans. And I am leaning towards this idea because of my belief in spirits. Spirits can be quite powerful, vicious when they're affronted. Whatever the reason for the scary happenings there, Rose Red is definitelynot a place you'd want to stroll by. Since its completion, Rose Red has claimed five men and 18 women.

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moon phase


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