Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Presidential Election
11-01-2004 E 3:47 p.m.
The election is tomorrow. I'm gonna try and get out to vote because this is one I feel strongly about, even though I hate politics. I realize I have a voice, my voice counts. It may not be much, but tomorrow's events decide my leader for the next four years. I would be remiss and irresponsible if I let others choose my leader for me.

With that in mind, there are two prompts I want to address with the President and election as the topics. The first is an old Theater Thursday.

Well, the U.S. presidential election is almost here. Through cinematic history, there've been a number of movies where the P.O.T.U.S. has been a major or featured character--The American President, Air Force One, Independence Day, just to name a few recent ones.

1) Which fictional movie president would you most like to see sitting in the White House?

Anndrew Shepherd from The American President.

2) Do you think the movies accurately portray the circumstances surrounding the life of the U.S. President?

No, not really. I mean sure, it shows something of what his schedule and security detail must be like, but Hollywood in my opinion, makes it all too dazzling and glamorous.

3) A number of TV shows recently have featured the P.O.T.U.S. as a main character (The West Wing, 24). Would you accept any of them as the real U.S. President?

Never seen either of them, so I can't really say who.

BONUS: What actor (or actress!) would you like to get the chance to play a U.S. President on screen?

I dunno. Glenn Close as the Vice Pres. in Air Force One made a pretty good leader in a crisis. Perhaps she might make a good one.

The next prompt, Meeting of the Minds asks:

How do you feel about the upcoming presidential election?

I honestly don't know how the outcome will go. I think the country is pretty much divided. Though one thing is certain and pretty much the same nationwide--and it's quite amusing to observe--Americans think their candidate's opponent is wishywashy and an idiot.

So. What does that say for our upcoming leader, whether he remains as Bush or changes to Kerry? *quirks a brow*

This is an important election. It will decide our future, people. It will affect our troops and their families. It will affect mine. Mike's wife, Jen, is pregnant with their first child. She will not have him by her side throughout all this. He's been ordered to Iraq, as I've mentioned before. He will not see this child be born.

And my care will be affected. If Kerry is elected and he implements his ideas for health care, my care and therapy's quality will decline because of his changes.

So yes, I care very strongly about this election. And yes, I will try and get out to vote. I know this sounds wishywashy of me as well, but it's not easy to get out and about with the weather rainy and cold. But I intend to go vote when Mom and Pop do. Or I'll see if Jen will go with me.

To be honest, though Bush is a bit bumbling and unrefined and some of his decisions may not have been the best, I think he has tried his best in the American people's best interest. Yes, he has had his own agenda, but so has every politician in an elected seat. Even so, he has tried his best for the American people, I think. And even though he shows a lack of finese and annoyance or emotion sometimes in the debates and in interviews, I prefer him to Kerry who seems to say anything and will do anything that gets him elected. He has said one thing then six months later he's gone back on what he's said, many, many times. He's a swinging pendulum. One moment he's saying we need to get our troops outta there over in Iraq. The next thing I hear he wants to put more troops in! Maybe I'm misinformed. But if not, that's a prime example of what kind of president he would be. What kind of leader is that? Not one I'd willingly want in office. I pray he won't get elected.

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