Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Patience, Grasshopper!
04-14-2005 E 5:55 p.m.
So many creative ideas...zero umph to do them proper justice right now. Yet, I feel I should update. After all, my last update was six days ago before my trip with Mama to Utah.

Oooohhh boy, I just found a new writing prompt; heaven help me! *laughs*

Thursday's Theology Thing: Patience, Grasshopper!
I have heard it said that you should never ask God for patience, because He will answer your prayer over and over by giving you opportunity upon opportunity!

Patience is something that most people need more of. Think of what happens when you are impatient--you become flustered, irritated, and that attitude can spread to others very quickly if unchecked. But when you are patient, you are more understanding of others, more humble, and more kind overall.

The Bible has lots to say about patience. Here are a few verses that I picked out:

A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. (Prov. 14:29)

A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel. (Prov. 15:18)

Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. (Prov. 16:32)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (Gal. 5:22-23)

And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. (1 Thes. 5:14)

The ten dollar question is, how do you become patient? One way is by not letting yourself become impatient. What I mean is this: the next time you are in a situation where you can feel yourself losing your patience, try your best to be more patient.

For me, one of the hardest places to be patient is when I'm driving. When I'm behind someone who is driving slow, or inconveniencing me somehow, I can feel my patience fleeting. It's then when the Holy Spirit checks me and reminds me that I need to be humble and patient. I feel that I have come a long way in patience overall, but I still see places where I need to improve.

And yes, make sure to ask God for help! Even though He will give you more opportunity to be patient then you'll probably want, you will succeed with His help.

To think about: What are some ways that you could be more patient?

LOL. Just the right thing to get my poor brain stimulated and thinking enough to satisfy my need to write something worthwhile.

"Patience is a virtue," it has been said, and those who read this journal know it's one I struggle with. And I have prayed for patience many times in the past. While this person is correct in saying that perhaps we "should never ask God for patience, because He will answer [our] prayer[s] over and over by giving [us] opportunity upon opportunity!" I do know it helps.

In my situation with the wheelchair and disability I have, I have to exert patience...and understanding. Not to mention flexibility. I don't have the luxury of total independence from others for my care. I need help, and as Dad seems to like reminding me occasionally, I'm on the schedule of others. I must have their help when they're able to give it. Technically it's a compromise between those who help and myself. We do things when we both can. I just need to have patience when someone new helps and is unsure of what I need or how to perform the needed task.

This isn't usually a problem. The real tests of my patience are, however, computer problems, misunderstandings, family (sometimes) and aspects of my disability. The first three are pretty self-explanatory and the fourth one is too, I guess, after thinking over it. The first two are minor and temporary, so they don't require much effort and striving for patience. However, the last two have been the sources for many a prayer for patience.

For those who've read my journal a long time now or who know me personally know the personality quirks of my sister, Aubree. She's reached the difficult, bratty stage of very strong-willed teenager. Even when she was younger, she had the strong will that we come up against daily. She can be very sweet, but she can be very nasty and one-track minded. Mine! She has the blind habit of talking down to you, not with you.

When I moved back home from ISU, I used to get in such arguments with her. And what irked and egged me on was her total attitude. She had the idea she could do whatever you did. And she comes across, when she talks or argues with you even now, as giving the impression you're beneath her. Nothing starts my temper simmering as disrespect for your elders and self-centeredness. At least, where she's concerned. I prayed for awhile to have the patience in dealing with her. And my prayers were answered.

He gave me the strength and wisdom to walk away and keep my mouth shut. Many has there been a time since our bouts of terrible arguing that other fights have been avoided because I've done just that. We still argue, but it's been more peaceful between us. And I don't have that horrible, dark, evil cloud hovering over me with ill will anymore after I fight with her. I hated it because it always made feel I was a bad person, and I knew I was sinking to her level. So, in this instance prayer helped me with patience.

But I'm still aways from claiming it as a virtue I possess. *sigh of tiredness* Life is hard and unfair, a fact we should all grasp early on. We have different trials and tests. Mine happens to be associated with C.P. This past week, as I mentioned, Mom and I were in Utah visiting Nan and Paw Paw. In order to make the trip I had to revert to my older chair, now a manual, which fits easily in the car. Neither Mom nor I were used to her needing to push me everywhere. So, towards the end it got to me. I hate having to ask for everything.

"Could you push me to the table, please?"

"Could I watch tv with you?"

"Could I have some ice cream?"

"Could we go over there?"

Just once, maybe more, I would love to serve others as they serve me. It would do my heart good to know I've gone and helped someone who couldn't do something on their own. I often catch myself saying, "If I could walk I'd..." to someone who needs help. I even said it to Nan a couple days ago.

I get so frustrated and overwhelmed at times by my limitations. I feel helpless and useless. And bossy. I try to remember to say please and be pleasant, but because I need so much at times (or so it seems) I feel like I'm a Queen Bee sitting on her arse, so big and fat, directing her workers to do this or that. I hate it and my patience wears thin. I start taking my frustration out on things I may be working on or those around me.

But when I'm cool and rational, I know this situation isn't going to be forever. And I rerealize I've been given an ingenuity to figure out alternative ways to achieve what is hard to do normally. That in itself is a way I can practice patience. Another is to let lil things roll off my back. And, of course, there is the old standby--take calming deep breaths.

Of course, if you're up to answers to prayers and new challenges, prayer is an excellent way to seek more patience. *winks*

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