Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
25 Uplifters For the Soul
04-17-2005 E 10:41 p.m.
I know I should have updated sooner today, but I was trying to get this ole computer disfragmented, but it could never get beyond 10%! *blows out a breath* This is definitely one of those growing number of times when I wish I had a new computer!!!
For inspiration tonight I looked to Daydreaming on Paper. This is what I was given: List 25 things that are good for the soul.
  1. Chocolate (Of course, this would be at the top of zee list! *laughs*)
  2. Spiritual guidance (Whether you believe in God or not, we are all spiritual beings and need spiritual guidance.)
  3. Love (We all need this, for without it we would die.)
  4. Hope (Same for this.)
  5. Bubble baths (These have been known to melt cares away.)
  6. A good mystery novel (Stimulation for the mind is a must. *smiles*)
  7. New challenges (Fire is the test of gold; adversity, the test of men.)
  8. Family (These are the people who love us the most and who we will be spending eternity with.)
  9. Solitude (Sometimes we just need to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and reacquaint ourselves with our inner being.)
  10. Pets (They bring us joy, give love in return and teach us responsibility.)
  11. Quotes (What vitamins and minerals are for zee body, quotes are for the soul.)
  12. Friendship (We all need at least one friend in this world who will stand by us through the thick and thin, who will lift us up when we are down.)
  13. Feel good movies with morals and light comedies (They say laughter is the best healing remedy and morals enrich the soul.)
  14. A good cry (Sometimes the dam's just gotta break.)
  15. The wonder and beauty of Nature (This one needs no comment.)
  16. Uplifting music (Ballads, folk music, classical, instrumental... Anything that speaks to the soul instead of deadening it.)
  17. Witnessing the innocence of a child (There is nothing like the sweet innocence of child...)
  18. River rafting (There's nothing like an adventure to remind you that you're alive!)
  19. Random acts of kindness (Not only do they do your heart and soul good, these acts will also make someone else's day and maybe make an important difference.)
  20. Sharing and reliving precious memories ("Remember Aunt Ida's ostrich farm?" "Oh yes! She had this one ostrich, Bubba, that would...")
  21. Hobbies (Gardening, scrapbooking, model building, anything that gives you joy.)
  22. Hot chocolate on a snowy evening with your special someone (As the MasterCard commercials say: Priceless.)
  23. A smile (A genuine smile can light up a room and bring a sparkle to someone's eyes.)
  24. Sunshine (It's a scientifically proven fact light cheers us up, while the lack of it is a contributor of depression.)
  25. Discipline (We need discipline and righteous laws to maintain our freedom.)

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moon phase


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