Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sunday Brunch: Oceans
04-07-2005 E 5:48 p.m.
I know I broke a promise to share a surprise with y'all yesterday, and I'm sorry. Jessy and Brogan, along with Camilla, her sister-in-law, have been here since Monday. (They left only today.) Night before last we stayed up gabbing till four in the morning. So, I knew if I were to update it would have to be earlier in the day, for the simple fact I would be too tired earlier on than normal. Then we went four an outing, the four of us--Jessy, Brogan, Camilla and I--so obviously no update was forthcoming.

The surprise will have to wait a few days, for I am getting a bit too tired to be as creative as I want to be on it--another late night last night, and I will be in Utah with Mom till next Wednesday. So...I'll update with with the Sunday Brunch for now and see if the ole philosopher still has me in her grip for a double-decker afterwards.

"I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." ~Sir Isaac Newton

**I really like this quote!!!**

1) Have you ever swam in the ocean? If so, which ones?

I may have swam in the Pacific Ocean on a visit to San Diego, but I was too young to remember much of it. The one body of water I remember really well, that I have swum in is the Gulf of Mexico.

2) Have you ever been snorkeling or scuba diving?

Um, no. In my situation it would be hard as I need assistance in swimming, either with a person or floatation devices.

3) Do you like traveling by boat and have you ever?

To be honest, as I cannot swim on my own the rocking of the boat on the swells of the water tends to make me nervous. Unless I'm in the "cockpit" with the captain, or the sides of the boat are high enough that I feel I have a sense of security, my imagination all too easily conjures a mental picture of capsizing.

4) Do you believe that Atlantis existed?

Of course, I do. Plato(?) even wrote about it inundating into the sea. I believe all legends have truth to them and Atlantis is no exception. In fact, like Robin Hood and King Arthur, Atlantis is one legend that's always held a fascination for me.

5) If you could live on the coast of any of the oceans, which ocean and
which coast?

I dunno, to be honest. There are so many coasts and several oceans to choose from. All I know and am somewhat familiar with is Galveston, Tx and the Gulf of Mexico. I'd want to live where the ocean is fairly warm and the climate is temperate. The U.S. Northwest is ssssooo pretty, but I dunno if it meets my requirements...

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