Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Getting Things Off My Chest Before Moving On
03-10-2003 E 5:03 p.m.
I really shouldn't be doing this right now. But somehow I need to get my creative juices flowing. And I need a moment of unloading. I know I should just let this roll off my back, but I can't right now. Too much emotionally is going on right now--which I may or may not explain later--so I just need to get this tiny, insignificant, but bothersome thing off my chest. This semester, I've marked each day off on the syllabus for World Lit. so my eye is naturally drawn to the current material and activity that we are covering/doing for the week. (I draw squiggly lines through her notations for the day.) It helps keep me focused and aware of where we are. No biggie there, right?

Ha! Courtney and I had questions about the paper Wednesday and as I started asking mine, the professor looked down and noticed my markings on the syllabus.

"Boy! You sure mark us off don't ya?" she blurted out in the middle of my question.

I stopped and looked down at my syllabus. "And I thought I was anal," she uttered as an aside. "I would be too scared to do that." she concluded.

Courtney, a bit wide-eyed, nodded and agreed, "So would I." They then went on about something else before the professor brought her attention abruptly back to me.

So I guess I'm anal now. Another thang to add to my list of character traits. =os You know, it's a little thang, I know, and normally it would be a baby prick or sting to my pride, nothing to stew over. But their comments came on the wrong day. It was an average-sized sting and I'll eventually get over it and pull it from me hide. However, at the same time I don't see that their comments were necessary or needed to be said. So what if I cross out the assignments or discussions on the syllabus once we've passed them? If I need to look up a particular reading I can just go to the table of contents and look up the page number. Why does that make me anal, just in crossing something off? Sometimes I abhor this psycho babble-Freudian crap. People with that mindset really tend to over-analyze and see meanings where there are none. These are the people I occasionally talk about--the scholars who are so smart they're stupid.

Yesterday I mentioned I might not come on today...but here I am. I originally came on only to look up O Brother Where Art Thou?, or its movie review. Plus an analysis of Homer's Odyssey. (I once again changed my topic for the stupid critical paper. I am now doing an analysis of what the Greeks were trying to teach their peers and any future readers--beware of pride and arrogance, it may be your downfall.) Yes, yes, I am another example of indecisive womanhood. So sue me. (And that was just an expression so don't get any cute ideas.) I couldn't find any good or useful ones so I called Nan and talked to her about O Brother Where Art Thou?.

As I was trying to look up this information for my paper, certain popup ads naturally happened to...well, pop up. What were these ads, you might ask? Ready-made term papers, of course! Available in same day shipping! How timely, I thought. Satan is sure trying to tempt me.

But it didn't work. I'm still going to crank out my own paper, however bad it may be. But those ads sure don't speak much for some people's integrity. There must be quite a few people out there who are too danged-a-- lazy for there to be enough of a demand for ready-made term papers that others post ads for them. How sad. Doesn't say much for people who are willing to capitalize(?) on that laziness. It only reveals how greedy they are (for money).

I really should cut this short. Bye.
You must learn to be still in the midst of activity, and to be vibrantly alive in repose.
~Indira Ghandi~

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