Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
What Were You In High School?
03-09-2003 E 6:44 p.m.
Gee, I have a lot to say today, don't I? I guess I'm making up in advance for tomorrow and possibly Tuesday while working on that--*minds her tongue*--critical paper.

Shiloh, you are the Teacher's Pet!

"'Excuse me, I think you forgot to give us homework.' Being the teacher's pet probably didn't win you any popularity contests (outside of the faculty lounge, that is). But so what? You weren't being graded by your fellow students. These days, your attention to detail and the ability to read a situation are part of what make you successful. No one knows the rules better than you; and no one knows better how to grease the palms that make those rules run in your favor.

Back in high school, your peers might have voted you 'most likely to brownnose.' But they probably didn't foresee the utility of perfecting the art of the schmooze�and at such a young age! That's a talent that will take you far even if you're not in law, politics or sales. Sure, some things might have changed since your glory days. But at least some of the tables have turned. Back then an apple might have swayed you toward an 'A.' Now it can land you box seats at the Super Bowl or that promotion you've been after!"

=os Yeah, yeah. Rub it in, I know I wasn't a popular person. *winks* I was indeed a teacher's pet, although I never "schmoozed." And I wasn't every teacher's pet. In fact, I'm sure I aggravated plenty teachers throughout zee years. It's amazing how Emode can be so right about you on different things.

This year will see my 10-year high school reunion. Sssh, don't tell anyone else, 'kay? It's just between us. Sometimes it doesn't seem possible that that many years have gone by. That means I've known Andrea for 15 or 16 years now. When it hits me I think, I have a friendship that old? It doesn't seem possible! But it is. Andi and I have known each other since we were 11 or 12-years-old. That means I've known my other friend Shari for at least that long or a year or two less. My, how time flies!

Shari asked me at bowling Thursday for the second time if I plan on going to the reunion. Well, I missed our five-year reunion so yeah, I have plans to. I might not go to any more after this though, as I wasn't really closely knit to many people and school activities weren't a high priority to me. I mean, I'd like to go this time out of curiosity's sake, but other than that this particular Memory Lane holds no appeal for me.

"I'll go if you go," Shari asserted as her team (her mom and sister) waited on her father to quit visiting and watching other bowlers.

I laughed and patted her arm. "Ok. I'll go...if you go."

Well, at least, I'll have one friendly face when I go.

..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

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moon phase


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