Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
I'm Everything They Said I Was
10-02-2002 E 4:01 p.m.
Last night getting ready for bed, it dawned on me after a convo with my young engaged friend that I was indeed most everything people have accused me of being. I'm bossy. I'm a big-mouth, though not in the way Kami claims. I'm a drama queen--sometimes. I'm curious, bordering on nosy. I'm stubborn, perhaps even a snob.

Not too horrible of character traits, I know, when there are far worse ones out there. But when it comes to me I seem to display the epitome of each trait I named. And I certainly displayed a few of them last night in listening to her. Bossy, nosy, my big mouth...

Oh sure, it was done out of caring, and she knows that. But I still felt guilty for saying some of the stuff I did. Her dad loves her; I know that without even knowing him. However, I shoulda probably only listened and kept my opinions to meself. Her dad knows something is going on between her and her pen pal, and of course, because it's over the Internet he automatically is against it. He doesn't want her going to the college her pen pal is at. He wants to protect her, but at the same time he's refusing to allow her to make her own decisions. To live her life. I told her when she's 18 she's legally allowed to make her own decisions, and if she is sure she's right about this person then she needs to show and prove it to her father. *blush* I also said it's time her father learned he has to let her stand onher own two feet.

See? I toldja I'm nosy and a big-mouth. I'm the last person too, who should be giving this advice, what with my track record with Internet guys. Oh well.

Before I forget, I promised I'd add these links to an entry for Jon Harrison. It's part of his making money online:

My New Grant

Ebay Success One

Online Banking

Please just go look at them. Seeing other people visiting besides himself and myself would make him happy.

As for today? I'm sleepy and feel like I'm coming down with a cold. I don't really wanna go out to Institute tonight, though Mom says I must. "You didn't sign up for Institute just so you could miss."

Uh no, I signed up for a myriad reasons. I only named one however, when I retorted, "I signed up to escape."

Escaping must run in the family, especially the female side. Mom took off for one of her "rides" again. To be fair, I know an escape is needed every so often when things get rough. But what happened today was so minor compared to kids on probation and getting Fs. Jon missed soccer practice yesterday, both he and Aubree missed orthodontist appt. and his clients for lawn mowing were calling this morning wanting Jon.

Um, hello? It has been raining on and off the last two days. He couldn't have mown lawns, and as far as the practice and missed appts., they honestly had forgotten. Mom's nose was out of joint. So what does she do when she's the least bit miffed? Escape! Which usually involves hours of bumping and bags of loot when she returns.

"I think I'll go for a ride, and come back whenever," she stated.

"Figures," I cynically replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she demanded, clueless.

It was amusing she couldn't see how she runs away when things don't go peachy. She'll probably turn up around eight with three or four bags.
Now that I'm here, what are your other two wishes?

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Recently Recorded...
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06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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