Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A Quiz and Leftovers
12-04-2004 E 11:34 a.m.

You Are the Girl Next Door!

You're caring, warm, and the girl that nice guys want to marry. Uncomplicated and simple, you've got an easy going attitude guys love. But this doesn't mean you're dull--far from it! You're a great conversationalist, and you're an expert at living the good life.

What Kind of Girl Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Uncomplercated? Me? I'm a bundle of contradictions, if ya ask me. And, *winks* where's my nice guy, my grape? Hmmm? Off slaying dragons for some other damsel in distress, the nice guy that he is, probably. For, I see no knight in shining armor on a white charger in my forseeable future. Just a comfortable, long spinsterhood with Ege and any other cats I manage to adopt. *gentle grin* Yes sir, from Girl Next Door to the Cat Lady! And this quiz says I'm an expert at living the good life? *quirks eyebrow and one corner of the mouth up*

This tickled me yesterday when I saw it. Ya gotta love the comics! How they mirror life or make fun of it. This small gray kitten chose Elizabeth as her owner in a previous strip and subsequent ones have been about Elizabeth not really wanting her, but caving into Her Cuteness and Soft Fluffiness. This just reminded me of Ege and a commercial where a woman awoke to her cat taking his leisure on top of her head!

Speaking of Egee Weege (Egypt), I mentioned in passing the other day I bought him a new collar. He's grown out of the old one finally, so it was off to Wal-Mart to get a new one now that I had money. I was looking at black or red for him, as he's a guy. Well, they were high up and Mom was kinda hedging in too to get a good look. She found...a purple one. With white paw prints marching the length of it. It also has a purple bell to match the collar. I briefly caught a glimpse of neon blue and green, but I'm not a big fan of neon anymore, plus Mom was going on about how purple is my favorite color. So, I went with zee purple. Besides, I like the lil bell.

However, when I showed it proudly to Kami and Jon, they said it would ruin his social life. "It's purple! He's a guy! His buddies will say, 'Egypt, buddy, you can't hang with us no more. You can't play in the cat games no more.'"

Jon told me I was turning him into a fruit. And they both hate the bell. It's too fru-fru for them. Well, the collar and bell serve as a three-fold safety system. It (the collar) has a safety buckle that releases if the animal is snagged on a bush, tree limb or fence. That way he won't strangle himself trying to get free. The collar, it's said, is also reflective--or maybe that's the bell? And the bell is on there not for cuteness, but to warn the bird population. Aaaww. No more dead bird presents for us, I hope. Egypt's quite the lil hunter and stalker. And besides, it's fun to hear the lil tinkle of zee bell as Egypt saunters back to my room for a pet.

Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble wrap is cheap. You Choose.

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