Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Shake, Spasm and Vomit
12-05-2004 E 7:58 p.m.
Being visited by the Crimson Curse and the nastiest, most vile flu bug to hit me in six or seven, maybe eight, years all at once is no picnic! It was the highlight of my Saturday night.

Jon came home from Natalie's (his old girlfriend) around two this morning. "We've been having the time of our lives," I told him when he asked how I was doing. "It's been a regular joy."

Of course, I'd been cold and shaking violently, in pain from knotted muscles that had felt like they were on fire for three hours or more and throwing up every 15 minutes for the two hours. I felt positively wretched.

Mom had put Aubree's room heater here in my room, and I felt the heat around me and against my skin. But I still was cold and couldn't stop the shaking. It was minimal at first, but then got more violent as the hours passed. It was as if I was cold from the inside out. I was cold from the inside out! I thought at first I was just suffering from effects of my period. I had cramps, bad ones, and my back does sometime hurt due to the Crimson Curse. And consequently, sometimes if my back hurts--the lower right side--my thigh knots up and hurts like the dickens. So, when all this happened--the throwing up hadn't started yet--I naturally thought it was due to my period.

But when the shaking got worse--Mom actually told me to stop it because my room felt like a sauna to her--and the burning in my muscles became almost unbearable and the vomiting started around midnight, Mom pronounced me sick. I was ice cold, shivering as if I were outside, unable to get warm. I was in so much pain I was amazed I wasn't crying every time my back or leg spasmed. I was close to it...but I never actually teared up. Then the vomiting started. After awhile, I started noticing a pattern. Just before my stomach rebelled and emptied itself I'd shake uncontrollably for several minutes quite badly. After my stomach quieted the shivers went away until the next round. Then the whole process started over. Shake violently until muscles spasm into pretzels. Give an offering or two to the porcelain god. Relax and calm down. Repeat process every 15 minutes for two and a half hours and 45 minutes until beyond exhaustion.

Today I'm better. Not completely, but improved from early this morning. I've got my spunk back, Mom says, and I've kept fluids and food down. I've felt warmer than yesterday, but still some shivers have escaped me throughout the day, and my muscles have ached mildly. I suspect this is from the constant spasming they did while I was ill.

It was quite the night, or wee hours of the morning. I was thoroughly miserable and at the time couldn't remember another time when I was as violently ill. But then it came to me. I was at ISU...it was my first year there. My muscles were spasming just as bad, and my heart raced so fast it felt as if it would pound right out of my chest. My pupils were so dilated you could barely see my irises. The prone position was the only one I could endure without pain.

I just hope I continue on the mend. As I told Mom not too long ago, this has been one of the worst nights of my life.

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