Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
A New Purpose Added On for a New Year
12-30-2003 E 10:13 p.m.
Mike and Jen have left. *deflated feeling* I wasn't ready to see them go, but Michael needs to report to the base on the 2nd, so...

The house is truly ours once again, minus a dead Christmas tree Dad de-limbed and carted away last night. =os The house is going to look so barren once we deChristmasfy it from the inside out. I guess the winter depression is touching me a lil today, probably a reaction I'm having as a result of the sudden calm after a houseful over Christmas.

But I have a purpose. Well, two if you include my novel I aim to work on and complete. My latest purpose, or goal is to start a web design site. I may not be stellar or as innovative or professional as many out there. But I am learning and my designs are (hopefully) getting better with each try and now I don't have to immulate others to have a good layout. My Dreamweaver trial may be over, but I just finished making a good layout that I'm quite proud of without it. Looking at other design sources--I didn't steal, only looked--I saw how the designers manipulated the width, height and position of their tables. It looked a bit simpler than what Dreamweaver automatically does, so I tried copying their method of manipulation, only to my desired specifications. I was done in two days, tops.

I'm actually excited about this new venture I'm going to embark on. I've discovered I really enjoy tinkering with and creating images and layouts. Thanks to my persistence, Dreamweaver, html tuturials and my passion (and the source codes of other designers) I have six original--well, one layout has the four cardinal elements on it, Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, so technically it's four in one; you just have to change the colors for whatever element you want to showcase--on reserve. They're geared for my site here, at least the links are, but that's easy enough to change. Once I get a layout I've begun working on for my dream journal up and ready, I'll revamp my old Angelfire site and that'll be my design place. The layouts I've made will go there, and you may well see them here too. I'm hoping people like them and will choose to use them. Since I have only a few and am technically a novice or baby in this area, I am not going to charge anyone for their usage, until I feel confident the site is going to prosper and that my skills have improved to where people start asking for custom made designs. The customs, of course, will have a reasonable price of $10-15, depending on how extensive they want to get on images. I figure for an unknown, untried designer this is fair.

Anyways I need to go keep an eye out on a anti-virus program Dad is trying to install and run for him. (He and Mom are over at da neighbors playing.) So toodles!
May you live all the days of your life.
~Jonathan Swift~

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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