Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Winter Contradicts Itself
12-19-2003 E 4:21 p.m.
Ok. This was going to be yesterday's entry, but I was sidetracked by a couple of Christmas quizzes. I find it interesting that winter is, according to different case studies done, the season for depression and higher suicide rates. Even so, with this supposed truth, winter contradicts itself. At least, on its outset here in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter officially starts the 21st of December, smack dab during the Christmas season, when peace on Earth and good-will to men are supposed to prevail. And for the most part, in some years when people aren't too caught up in the hustle and bustle of the shopping malls, this has been the case. People have put aside petty differences, made peace and spread good-will and cheer to others. They take time out of their personal rat races to lend a hand where they see one needed, they are merrier and smile more readily at strangers. It's almost the carol, Silver Bells.

But once Christmas and New Years are over, people retreat into their own worlds again and return to the rat race. They let the coldest season rule their emotions and "chill" their thoughts. The peace and good-will frost over as though they were never a dominant force or feeling. People trudge throuugh the rest of the season, acting as if it will last forever.

But it doesn't. With a few false starts, winter finally melts into spring and the Earth comes alive again. Only this time green with growing things and is warm and bright with golden sunshine. Both times the world is alive, but for different reasons, yet for the same. What do I mean, you ask? Think about it.

During Christmastime the world is alive briefly and all aglow with the lights, the cheer, the merriment and magic that is Christmas, one of the holiest times of the year. During spring and summer and early fall, the world is alive because seeds grow and flowers bloom and the sun returns warm then hot to our side of the planet. And during both times it is a rebirth. The old year dies as the new one dawns, a symbol of a fresh start and new things to come. The spring is when the Earth awakens and comes to life, when new baby animals are born, when the warmth returns.

So, you see, I find it very interesting how winter contradicts itself here in the Northern Hemisphere. Studies show it's a time of deep depression and high suicide rates, yet its beginning is a time of magic and hope and rebirth. Shows how truly magical and meaningful Christmas really is.
Hitch your wagon to a star.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

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