Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
It Did and Does Not Matter
10-03-2002 E 10:46 p.m.
Hmmm. Remember how I was bid to go to Institute? Well, I know how to pick my moments obviously. It wouldn't have mattered if I hadn't gone. Why? Well, let's see if you can keep this next part straight as well as Heather did this afternoon. Our instructor has strep throat, so he was out of comission. The other instructor was out of town. So they (the student council) combined the two classes taught Wednesday nights and had found a substitute. Wweeell, *picks up speed with each word* the substitute was called away. So they tried to find a sub for the sub for the stand-in for the instructor of my class. Class was on, then off, then on and off again. Finally, they found zee son of the 2nd sub to teach a lesson. By the time this was done and he walked in, only 16 out of 40 people remained. I myself had been about to gather my stuff and for the door. Mom conceded I coulda just stayed at home.

Eleven sixteen. It's a wonder I'm even this coherent at time of night. I was wide awake around quarter after four this morning, I believe. It was still pretty dark so I knew it was early morning. I tried going limp and coaxing sleep to come, but it was a no-go. So in near frustrastion and boredom I touched my lamp. In the golden glow of its light I read my watch. Quarter to five. Great. Dad wasn't even up and gone to work yet. He'd be--and was--mighty curious as to why my light was on and I wasn't in sleepyland. Surprisingly he was understanding about being awake.

For how many of you was popularity an important thang growing up? Though most knew who I was in school and even with a group of pals, I was never populaar by any means. But it has become an increasingly important word in Aubree's vocabulary. At school and on group activities she has to "look cool," and the popular girls "are beginning to like her." Though today I wanted to pop her one. Not mature for a 27-year-old I know, but her remark about our neighbor girl and her "best friend" was snobbish and rude. Not to mention how it brought back memories of all the cliques when I was in high school. True, she's only a seventh grader, but it gets worse with each grade, and in high school girls can be very vicious. I will never go back to that time again, even if I had a way.

"I'm popular at school, but Jessie's a loser. She doesn't smile, she's rude. Don't get me wrong, I love Jessie, but she's a loser."

My eyes narrowed as I looked her in the eyes. "I never want to hear you say something like that again." I said quietly.

I admit, her comment rankled and I took it a bit personally as I was reminded of the student body of my time. I know it wasn't aimed at me. Yet it still bothered me. Once again I hope I don't have a child like her.

Going to Institute this week and popularity really don't matter. My timing was good, and as the old adage says, "It's what's on the inside that counts."
Delays have dangerous ends.
~William Shakespeare~

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06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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