Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Whatever Is Going On I Hope It Ends Soon
01-12/13-2006 E 11:17 a.m.
Feeling-- chilled
Reading-- The Unwilling Bride by Margaret Moore
Listening to-- nothing

(originally started on 01-12-2006 at 8:01 p.m.)
I want to write, but I don't know what on. I'm not feeling very ambitious or creative. I have things I could write on: the Norse view on Ragnarok, or my personal discovery regarding adversity, but...those require, or at least, the way I'd like to present them, requires a logic and flow I feel I'm hard pressed in dredging up right now. Or for that matter, an enthusiam for them. Which matters most, for without enthusiam, no matter how good a topic is, it's nothing.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I don't know what my problem is and...I'm having a really hard time articulating it here, now. I've sat and stared at this paragraph for a good 30 minutes, trying and retrying to get across, to express how I feel, or what it is I'm thinking...and I can't! Everything is jumbled, unexplainable and in a knot. I mean, I can categorize or identify two problem areas, but, if I try to go into detail on them--or at least, one of them--it becomes impossible to sort through or figure out. Even to or for myself!

Simply put, the problems are as follows:

  • Gathering any enthusiam for a topic to write on. Granted, this has been only in the last few days. Maybe I'm just going through a dry spell, writer's block...yet again. But how can I be, when I have things to write about? That I have some interest in, just not at the moment. Maybe I'm just burning myself out, trying to write and write and write, striving for the creative perfection that all writers hope to achieve. I know the other night when I was trying to type this entry, I almost couldn't do it. Reading it, you wouldn't think twice about its level of difficulty; it really is a simple entry, not much brain power--beyond reading it and comprehension--needed. Yet I was having the hardest time stringing three sentences together! What I wanted to say kept getting reversed in my brain thanks, or no thanks, to a horrendous case of dislexia! And yes, I was tired and that had something to do with the dislexia, but even at my most tired I've never been that trippin' with dislexia. And it wasn't that late either, if you noted the time at the top. Eight forty-five. And I'm a night owl! But that leads into my second problem, which I'll get to in a bit. I'm still trying to puzzle this one out.

    I don't know if it's because it's been the holiday season, or if it's partly due to how limited I was in using the Internet in December, therefore being limited to short and mostly "ready-made" entries where all I had to do was cut and paste the chosen story, song, etc. into the editor's box, but I feel like this isn't a reflection no, a true journal anymore, in the truest sense of the...object. I haven't written about a lot of things going on. Like Mom's new job or Jon Harrison's mission or Cannon's changes as a baby. He's six-months-old now! I've mostly written about feelings and observations regarding things in life, or events going on around me that have nothing, whatsoever, to do with family or friends. While I don't totally regret going silent on family, this lack of "regular" entries has disturbed me somewhat. I feel I've gotten away from the original purpose of why I started this journal--to keep a record, the normal reason anyone keeps a journal or diary. I looked for a way to keep one on the computer originally, because I was tired of worrying about legibility, hand cramps and ink splots and smudges. Mostly it was the hand cramping that motivated me to go electronic. I would still have loads to get out and to say, but would have to stop because my hand hurt too much to continue.

    I don't know...I realize as a person changes and grows, so does the journal. It reflects them at the time they write it, and each volume is different, if only slightly in some cases. This journal sure has changed, even in the last two and half years. Less intimate, personal stuff and more creative writing. Maybe I'm on the verge of yet another change and it's going to be a reversal back to something a lil more personal--though if so, I'm still going to be cautious, more so than I was when I first began this four years ago.

    I don't know, honestly.

    It's now late, so I'm going to pick this up again tomorrow.

    It's now Friday, the 13th, the next morning. By 10:35 last night my brain was slowing down, and I was too tired to make much more sense out of my dilemma to continue on with the second problem I'm having currently.

  • Disturbed sleep with weird dreams. This has been going on for about a week, and while the weird dreams are nothing new or out of the ordinary for me, being tired as early as 7:30 or 8:30 on some nights is. Obviously I'm not getting enough of the deep sleep, or whatever kind of sleep I need, to feel refreshed long enough throughout the day. Obviously, the weird dreams are affecting the quality of my sleep, which affects me, making me tired a lot earlier and more quickly. Which plays havoc with my energy levels and colors my mood towards many things, making me apathetic to them. Unfortunately, my writing is one of these things. =os

    I don't know what started this. I've had weird dreams before--superweird dreams, *laughs wryly* ha! that's all I seem to have anymore--without too much of a disturbed sleep over a prolonged period of time. I don't know why this is different this time. The dreams, the one I remember vaguely and the nightmare I had one night, have no relation (that I can see) to what is going on around me. They seem to be independent products of my ever imaginative mind.

    I haven't had a true nightmare in a long while, so mayhap I was due for one. I dreamt I was at my grandparents' house, Grandpa and Grandma B.'s, I think it was, but it wasn't their normal place. And I wasn't sleeping in my normal bed at their house, which is a twin. I had just been put to bed in a full-sized or queen-sized bed, and it was late. The room was painted in blended shades of white to gray to charcoal by the moonlight coming in from a big window across the room from the bed. The sheets were white and the top blanket--a crocheted throw, I think--was an off-white. The room was big, unfamiliar and disconcerting. What made it disconcerting and unnerving, even scary, were the devilish imps that crowded around and onto the bed. They meant to harm, and what was worse, they were invisible. I couldn't see them...unless they burrowed between the mattress and sheet or under the blankets. Then you knew where they were because they appeared in the bedding as kitten-sized lumps. Although there was nothing cute or friendly about these lumps. I was half-twisted on my back and right side with my left arm bent so my my hand was by my head. An imp was near that, and what made my fear worse were the lil sounds they made. Growling and cackling and low, mean-spirited murmurs voiced in a language all their own. I musta called out or something or my mother decided to check on me because she came to the doorway and I told her what was going on. She came in and laid herself across me diagonally, taking me in her arms to comfort me. I wrapped my own around her and a few minutes later, maybe, asked her if there was an imp on the bottom left corner of the bed. She tapped the bed with her foot in that general area and said, "Yup he's right there. I can feel him with my foot." I looked, though her tennis shoe-clad foot was in the moonlight for all to see clearly, the lump was more in the shadows where I couldn't see it easily. But I knew it was there. I knew they were all there, growling, cackling, mumbling and murmuring evilly. Mom stayed with me...

    Doesn't sound very scary now, but at the time, in the middle of the night, with gray and even grayer shadows around me and my overactive imagination going full bore, it was as scary as or almost so as the Poltergeist dream I had.

    I don't know what is going on, but I hope it ends soon.

    ..:: Remembered�����E�����Occuring ::..

    Recently Recorded...
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    06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
    06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

    moon phase


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