Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Totally Emotional: Fly Away Cares
10-17-2002 E 8:44 p.m.
I seem to have lost my cat. As far as I know he's in the house somewhere--upstairs, I think--but when Jon finally went up at his leisure he said Ege was nowhere to be seen. So, apparently he's find a good hiding place to sleep, like under someone's bed, or he's down here in zee laundry room and nobody told me. Or he's outside and nobody told me about that either. I'll check again before being sent to bed. I love how my family is so considerate and understanding at my trying to be responsible.

Btw, I gave my d-rings page a facelift and added more quizes to my repertoire. You might like some so go explore and remember, have fun.

*is suddenly at a loss for words* *tries to begin a thread but halts and erases; attempts again* Today wasn't too bad, but it certainly has been a day where you wish you could push it into a balloon and let it float away like they have you envision with anything troubling you. Your troubles supposedly lift from you as they float away. That's what I wish I could do with the emotional undertows of last night and today.

Fair warning: I am being typical of every woman who behaves like a witch once a month. Therefore you now know I'm not rational or mature at the moment. Yesterday I discovered my copy of Beauty and the Beast was missing. It had been on zee top of the bookcase with a handful of other movies. I knew Aubree hadn't taken it, she has the grace to ask before borrowing anything anymore. Besides, the family has its own copy. Kami woulda asked as well. That left only one candidate in my mind. Though it was highly unlikely. Mom. The knowledge of why she took it hit me as I curled under my blankets last night.

She'd put it in the package she sent with Kami for my sis to open on her actual b-day. I started weeping--I told you my emotions are out of whack. Dad, knowing it is my favorite Disney cartoon and fairy tale, had found that copy of Beauty and the Beast for me on Ebay and given it to me at Easter. See, every once in awhile Dad brings home a gift he's found that he knows one of us will enjoy. This time it was me, and it has been awhile--a very long while since I was a recipient. So this gesture made it all the more...prized...to me.

Well, Mom remembered me saying before Easter obviously that I was going to buy the Special Edition of the movie. So she figured she'd give Kami my copy. However, she'd forgotten that Dad had given it to moi, and that I said since I now had a copy, I wouldn't need to buy another--even if it did have a new scene in it. I cried because I felt as if something special between my dad and I had been taken away. I was determined to confront Mom and tell her I wanted it back.

"Dad gave it to me," I planned to say, "he hasn't given me anything in awhile. It's mine and I want it back. I'm sorry, but you'll just have to explain to Kami and ask for it back."

Weelll, I asked Mom today if she did indeed put it in Kami's package. Aye, she did. Only because she bought me the Special Edition copy. My sails (filled with the wind of purpose) deflated, but interest sparked at a brand new copy. I still wanted my gift back, but I'd look petty and ungrateful if I'd pursued the matter. *sighs*

Then there's the recurrence of my money problems. But they'll have to wait till tomorrow.
Look, what fools these mortals be.
~William Shakespeare~

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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