Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
My Life Needs a Face Lift
04-01-2002 E 8:40 p.m.
Howdy folks. Here's some interesting tidbits:

You know that Six Degrees of Separation theory? Well, today I discovered I'm separated by three degrees from Arnold Swarzenegger and Maria Shriver. My Grandpa B. knows Maria's parents from their work with the Special Olympics. That's two degrees there, and then one more to Maria and Arnold. Pretty neat, huh?

I need to give my life a face lift. This whole semester is screwed. I really wish I had that clockstopper watch they are making a movie about, or better yet, my supposed superpower, Time Travel to start this entire thing over. I feel like I lost control. Heck, I've begun to not want to go to school anymore because I never know if I'll have class. Will it be canceled, will we get out early? Most of my time this semester has been spent on the bus or waiting for it, I bet ya. We only had 15 minutes of school today. I had almost a two hour wait for my bus! This professor hasn't really taught us at all, except perhaps in the first two weeks of class. The rest of the time he's spent it assigning this or that with the minimum guidance. Sure, we're college students; we should have our own initiative, but it is a class just the same. And we pay good money for it. Judy, my friend from both classes feels like it's a waste of our time, because it's so open-ended. And to be honest, I agree. This Writing class has been the most costly to me. I waste $10 a day for 15 or 30 minutes of class half the time. If I could go back and redo the semester I'd pick a different class. I'm half tempted to withdraw, but I'm not sure how badly that'll screw up my financial aid. After today I knew I had to do something to turn it around. I called my advisor and set up an appointment as soon as I got home.

The second part to the facelift is with church. I've begun to feel out of place in my home ward. Young couples who are starting their own families have moved into the ward over the last several months as they are going to BYU-Idaho. Some are my age or younger, but because they're married and have a few kids they're a set unto themselves. Then there are the families that make up the bulk of the ward and the elderly. I want to be around single people my own flipping age or near it. But the one thing I'm fearing is if I do go to a single's ward, will there be more people in their late 30s or 40s than those in their late 20s or 30s? If that's the case then I'd be equally uncomfortable there. But whatever the case I've gotta find a median in which I can be comfortable. Which means I need to make another appointment with the bishop.

Remember the old saying, "Faint heart ne'er won fair lady."

~Miguel de Cervantes~

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