Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Happy Ever After
03-29-2002 E 10:55 p.m.
Ok, so I didn't update zis morning. But at least I'm doing it early enough that I can update. Barely.

Let's see, where to start? Well, it doesn't look like Mom and Dad aren't going to Pheonix. *sigh* They have the money, it's...just other factors that to me are unimportant. All except one. Mike's mission reunion. If they go, no one's watching Grandma. Even so, if I'm calculating correctly, then Mike and Jen will be gone only one night. Mom's hired someone to come in for a day or so when we've been in CO. So they could go. Dad is now entertaining the possibility of going to Jackson Hole. I'm encouraging it.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy my parents, but I've been looking forward to mostly having the house to myself, Kjerstina and Egee. Please go to Jackson! But then there's still Aubree and Jon. Jon's no problem. But Aubree--unless guests are considered "family" or she really dislikes them, she finds some way to be in the middle or some way to gain the attention. Like the last time Kjerstie was here. I barely had "alone time" with her because Aubree was demanding her attention. I need to plead with the parents to find something to occupy the munchkin's brain cells.

I'm braindead. I just went blank. Or perhaps it's because nothing really happened today that I am at a loss. *sigh*

Though I am in a romantic mood. Ever since last night when I took those tests at Emode.com. I like to say I am a hopeful romantic instead of a hopeless one. The why is pretty obvious I think. It just sounds optimistic and in charge. Besides, I think it describes moi. =0} My history with Evan and Stephen is well-known; after being burned by them--more so by Stephen than by Evan--my belief in gentlemen waned considerably. Yet, I still believe he's out there. That I have a soulmate. LOL You all are probably going, "Yeah, yeah, we've heard this before."

I know it's not always going to be a bed of roses or "happily ever after." C'mon, this is real life, and a relationship is hard work. But you know something? After watching the mini series maybe three times, it's taken me reading the book: The 10th Kingdom to really understand the message. Happy Ever After comes from living every day with a full heart or with your whole heart.
"Complacency is the root of mediocrity yet there should be no room for complacency or mediocrity if one reads and lives passionately."

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moon phase


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