Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
The Beast and Angel Within Us
01-31-2004 E 6:32 p.m.
I like this week's P-O-Y topic. It's an anonymous quote on humanity, thus I can philosophize about it to my heart's content. "I am a beast. I am an angel. I am a human being." ~Anonymous~

I think this encompasses our nature as fully as any words can, or if there are better words to describe humanity then this quote comes pretty close.

"I am a beast." Humans are far from being perfect. In fact, we can be quite cruel and atrocious to one another in our hatreds and predjudices and greed. Ranchers and farmers in Brazil have sprayed harmful pesticides over tribal lands and given the Indians blankets and clothes infested with diseases so the people will either move off the land or die. All because the farmers and ranchers want more land for their livestock or crops. And of course, there was the Apartheid in South Africa and the horrible Holocaust, led by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. On his orders, thousands of innocent Jews were killed in gas chambers or in other ways. Books were burned because he wanted to keep the German people ignorant and believing only in his vile propaganda(sp?).

"I am an angel." While humanity has done a number of evil things in the course of its history, it also has done a number of great and marvelous things. Take the 9/11 heroes for example. That in itself was an example of both the beast and angel in humanity. It was was sparked and caused by hatred. It ended in hope, gratitude and a sense of unity. And it brought some people closer to God... *thinking of the church services held* In the aftermath people were helping the survivors and trying to find others. And even though they sacrificed themselves, the people whose plane crashed somewhere in Pennsylvannia were courageous enough to overtake their hijackers. They were heroes. And there's Oprah. If you ever watch her show, you'll be amazed at how much she tries to give back to the people and aaalll the children she's helped in Third World countries.

"I am a human being." To be human is to be imperfect...to err. To feel. To fall sick. To love. To learn. To die. We all have the beast and the angel within us. It up to us to decide, like the old Native American grandfather and his inner wolves, which one we'll feed...the beast, or the angel.

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