Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Giving My Social Life a Boost
08-13-2003 E 3:24 p.m.
Hello y'all. Summer's almost at an end. I can't believe it; a week from today the kid's will have been in school a day! Jon will be a senior, and Aubree will be in her first year at the junior high. *rereads that* Wow, that sounds so odd. I still think of her as a lil kid. Yet she's now reached he teen years. We're not a young family anymore. We have a third generation now, which reminds me, we'll be gone this weekend for Brogan's blessing. A 10 hour drive up to northern Idaho one way--yippee. I hope my ankles and hip don't act up after such a long while in the car.

Geesh, I sound old. =os

I was going to write about families in general, a topic inspired by watching What a Girl Wants on Friday with Heather after *J* left with her boyfriend. But, time is slipping away from me, so in order to it the justice I want, I'll have to post it later.

There really isn't that mucch to say today, except I'm excited for school (hehe, perhaps because it'll just be Mom and me for a while?) and I've invited a friend, Shari, to luunch on the 27th. For months we've talked of--*thinks* well, since close to Halloween, actually--getting together for lunch, but neither of us took the initiative to really put it into motion until I did yesterday. Last Friday gave me a nice taste of my former social life, and while I know it can't be or won't be that way a lot, I don't see why I can't give it a boost every now and then. Besides, once they get married it doesn't mean a person's social life has to end because they now have a hubby and kids that subsequently come along. In fact, they might be in more need of a social life. I just think it's about time, if I'm to stay in this town a bit longer, that I firm up a couple of friendships that I have around here with my married friends and also, once I get out and about, make new friends.

I guess I'm adding this to my plan. A social life is part of getting on with my life, right?

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moon phase


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