Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Bagpipes and Hangings
08-12-2003 E 1:21 p.m.
Jon got his bagpipes yesterday and has been trying them out. It was funny watching him blow air into the bag and then almost topple over trying to direct the air to the flute-like thingy.

"You sound like a cow with a bellyache," Mom teased.

All we got was another bovine-like wail.

"I will have a good set of lungs after this," he stated a lil while later, grinning at us.

I also saw Peacemakers last night, a new Old West series by USA. Only saw the one episode and previews for the latest on Wednesday, but it looks like a promising enterprise. But what gets me and what I don't understand is why people back then were so hot-to-trot for a hanging and made any a "holiday" of sorts. To me, it's gruesome! "Oh, someone's gonna get hanged! Let's go watch and make a party of it!" Uh yeah, people had a sick, gruesome humor when it came to capital punishment or punishment of any kind.

But what about those who were innocent, like the kid slated to be hanged on Peacemakers? I imagine many innocent people were hanged because either the justice system failed them or the townspeople were so fired up for a hanging they didn't care about justice...or mercy. They got themselves ssoo caught up in mob mentality they became mindless. It's a dangerous frame of mind that leads people to stupidity. I'm glad we don't have hanging parties anymore like that.

I wonder how many of my ancestors were hanged? I know at least one was hanged as a horse thief.
Chocolate: the sustenance of life.

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moon phase


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