Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
100 More Things About Me You Never Knew You Wanted To Know
06-16-2005 E 12:34 p.m.
Feeling-- a bit warm
Reading-- Touching Midnight by Fiona Brand
Listening to-- nothing

I've been thinking of and toying with zee idea of doing another list of 100 more things about me you never knew you wanted to know. And coincidentally, a few days after I first entertained the notion of a new list, it became an option for Alchera's latest project. I wasn't too sure I'd do this new list, but heck, why not? It'll be fun to see what changes have occurred since the last list.

100 More Things About Me You Never Knew You Wanted To Know
001) I'm turning 30 this year.

002) I recently rediscovered a craving or addiction for dried pineapple.

003) Egypt is still not nuetered, but hopefully by August he will be.

004) The Phantom of the Opera (Gerald Butler) is my latest and newest crush--oh man, if I'd been Christine I'd have said, "To heck with Raoul, I'm sticking with my Angel of Music." He's even Scottish!

005) I'm becoming a DVD hound. Last Christmas, and even this past Easter, they're all I really asked for.

006) Speaking of which, one of my long, held-out hopes has finally come to pass: Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, the complete Season One is now on DVD. *a cat-got-the-canary gleam brightens my eye and a very pleased smile curves the lips* And I have it! As an early birthday present to mahself.

007) I have at least three entries backlogged for this here journal.

008) My screen or monitor is slowly giving out I think, after seven years of hard and long use.

009) I'm resigned to my seizures now; they no longer make me angry at the fact I can't control them. They come when they come, and once they're upon me there's no stopping them.

010) I recently had one whilst on zee phone with Christina. She never knew it either. Until I told her a few days later.

011) My new favorite flavor of Pepsi is Lime.

012) I'm impatient for the next season of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman to be released, even though the first has just come out on DVD. Hey, besides the Phantom, Superman is my guy. Oh, and Mickey Mouse, of course.

013) I have several series of novels I want to and am in various stages of collecting: the Angel series by Dan Yates, the Xanth series by Piers Anthony, the Fear Familiar series Caroline Burnes, the Harry Potter phenomenon by the illustrious J.K. Rowling and the Maggie MacKenzie Mysteries by Lynn Gardner--and any book by Lynn Kurland.

014) I now own King Arthur on DVD.

015) I am disgusted Michael Jackson walked. He is no more innocent than the moon is made of green cheese. That musta been some technicality or loophole his attorneys found that the dumb jury latched on to.

016) My occupational therapist predicted he would be found "Not Guilty."

017) I don't believe in reincarnation, but I'm fascinated by stories of it. I'm currently reading a book with characters who first knew each other in 1200 B.C.E. She was the Cadis, 43rd High Priestess for the Sun god. He was a warrior from the fallen city of Illium, or Troy.

018) Heather gave me two cat figurines from the Luxor last year. I just named them Isis and Osiris.

019) Always be sure to check independent sellers' ratings on Ebay, Amazon and other entrepreneur sites. I was cheated out of $40 because the seller was a con artist. And the killer is I wasn't the last. Amazon was so slow in removing or banning that person from selling non-existant wares!

020) I could stand to lose 15 pounds. Maybe even 20 to 25.

021) I've a fear of snakes; not to mention heights (without a substantial barricade if there's a sheer drop-off). I'm also slightly claustrophobic, and I can scare myself silly sometimes with a wild imagination.

022) I love learning about ancient civilizations. I love their myths, lore and legends that have been passed down as a legacy.

023) I've even created a Greek tragedy/myth of my own. It's only in note stage now, but hopefully soon I can sit down and write it out to put on here.

024) I have Cerebral Palsy and use an electric wheelchair to get around.

025) You have to be a very strong, very adaptive person with ingenuity and have a well-developed sense of humor, in my opinion, to cope with a life-long disability or long-term illness.

026) Moonlight Path is my favorite scent to use as a perfume.

027) Lilacs, because of their scent, bring back fond memories of childhood summers.

028) I love spoof movies: The Princess Bride, Thoroughly Modern Millie, The Pirate Movie and Hairspray.

029) If everyone had a personal totem, mine would be the sun. If everyone had a spirit guardian or animal, mine would be the buffalo.

030) I have a saint for an ancestress. Saint Margaret, Queen of Scotland.

031) I love Georgia Mudslide blizzards from Dairy Queen.

032) I'm so excited to be an auntie again! It won't be long before Jen has Cannon.

033) I am LDS.

034) I have a Halloween movie collection.

035) I am a worrywort.

036) I am a typical woman when it comes to emotions.

037) My room is cluttered with books and knicknacks.

038) I have a fascination for vampires, werewolves, ghosts and other "monsters."

039) I've had six or seven operations and have got the scars to prove it.

040) My eyes are a sea green.

041) My favorite word, besides 'chocolate,' is 'serendipity.'

042) This is one of my favorite entries.

043) I hate the smell of beer.

044) I want to live by the coast.

045) I love the ocean, but cannot swim on my own; and I hate seafood and fish. Quite the contradiction, huh?

046) The smell of seafood makes me nauseous.

047) I'll eat tuna and salmon patties on occasion, but I'd rather not at all.

048) I have to take Depakote for my seizures.

049) I've held a hundred dollar bill twice before. Maybe a few times more than that.

050) I now collect snowmens and have a Pocket Dragon box collection.

051) I've named the dragons: Minty (short for Araminta), Nibbles, Sparky, Princess, Arthur and Cap'n.

052) I have a clear, iridescent bottle with a sun engraved, embossed or what-have-you on the front. I don't know what it was used for originally. It has a cork stopper.

053) I may be 29, but I still like having friends over for the night.

054) My grandmother gave me a Shakespeare nutcracker.

055) I like movies set in Italy. I want to visit and see the landscapes and scenery and bask in the ambience.

056) I try to avoid tear-jerkers like the plague. I'm not a pretty crier and so hate anybody being able to see the spectacle.

057) I haven't checked a book out of the library in a llllloooonnnggg time. Not since I was a young teen. I buy my books instead.

058) I've spent most of today chatting with Heather. Yay!

059) I prefer Diagnosis Murder to Murder, She Wrote. I like the relationships between the characters and the humor.

060) Native American Studies was my minor at ISU.

061) I would love to name a child Zo�, Alexandra, Azure, Eve or Adam Michael.

062) I love doing word puzzles; most any puzzle type is fun though.

063) I'm addicted to Bejeweled, Bejeweled 2, Cubis and now Hexic.

064) I got Mom hooked on Bejeweled.

065) I have eggnog flavored lipgloss--somewhere.

066) I've been to Dante's Peak, more commonly known as Wallace, Id.

067) I wouldn't mind living in the South.

068) I have a unicorn family of stuffed animals--a papa, a mama and the baby.

069) I almost never wear makeup anymore. Unless I want to get dolled up.

070) I quit wearing earrings.

071) I'm surprised, yet not, at how the online journal has become such a phenomenon. Sometime soon, I want to write an entry on this.

072) I love Reba McEntire. She has a great voice, a cute personality, is a savvy businesswoman, and I love her sitcom.

073) I hate labels, especially when it comes to "the Greatest American" or the "Sexiest Woman/Man Alive." How can people rate these fairly or accurately? And what about the unsung heroes who never get mentioned or put in the limelight? It's stupid I think.

074) I love water or snowglobles.

075) I'm attracted to men with dark hair.

076) I had a crush on Legolas from LOTR, but I preferred Johnny Depp/Captain Jack Sparrow to Orlando Bloom in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.

077) I called the elven prince "Legolas of the Kissable Lips." *blushes*

078) I flunked French.

079) I tried learning Mandarin Chinese.

080) I wish they would make a fairy tale movie other one's of Snow White, Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast.

081) I would love to visit Hawaii.

082) I was a Toys 'R' Us kid.

083) I'm probably too open in my journal here.

084) I find A Knight's Tale funny. The medieval story and background are totally incongruous with the modern soundtrack, humor and lingo...but maybe that's why it was such a hit with me.

085) I prefer pants to dresses.

086) I still wear half the clothes I wore in high school. Think I need a wardrobe update?

087) I graduated from high school 12 years ago this May.

088) I like Keanu Reeves as an actor. Especially in A Walk In the Clouds.

089) I have Danish ancestory.

090) But mostly I'm Celtic, though some believe that unless you are born in a Celtic nation, you aren't Celtic.

091) I have no shame when it comes to (openly) admitting to drooling over hunky guys in the movies. Namely Johnny Depp, Dean Cain, Gerald Butler, Clive Owen and Arnold Vasalu(sp?)--the mummy from the latest Mummy series.

092) I haven't had a paper journal since I was 24 or 25.

093) I probably need to trim my hair again.

094) I loved John Candy in the movies.

095) I used to watch The Brady Bunch every day after school, but thankfully, I outgrew that phenomenon.

096) Life *knock on wood* is good right now, in spite of some hard times.

097) I preferred the Backstreet Boys to N'Sync.

098) Chili's is my favorite restaurant.

099) I love Irish curses, proverbs, sayings and blessings. While other quotes or adages have wisdom and/or humor, these just have a charm and lyrical sense the others don't.

100) I will always be blessed with good friends.

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moon phase


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