Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Sunday Brunch: Games, Games, Games
06-13-2005 E 5:17 p.m.
Feeling-- down
Reading-- Touching Midnight by Fiona Brand
Listening to-- nothing

I've not done a Sunday Brunch in a lllooonnnngggg time and this one sounded fun, so here it be:

"Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music." ~Marcus Brigstocke

1) What is your favorite boardgame?

Clue, I would have to say, and its several variations. I love this game. It's got what I like, mystery, a mansion, femme fatales--hey, they seem to go hand-in-hand with murder mysteries--crusty old soldiers and enough crafty deducing to keep the game exciting. Aaannddd, it's got its own movie--with my favorite villain, Tim Curry, starring!

2) What type of games are your favorite (ie, board, card, participatory, dice, word games)?

I like all kinds really; they're all fun, but as a wordsmith, I'm partial to word games.

3) How many games do you own, and if possible, list them.


  1. TriBond (I thought this sounded cool on tv, and it would be if I had people interested in playing.)
  2. Picture Pursuit (I have no idear how I came by this game. I sure didn't buy it.)
  3. Disney Trivia
  4. Pandora's Box
  5. Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
  6. Wheel of Fortune
  7. Word Games
  8. Clue
  9. Heromachine
  10. Barbie Cool Looks Fashion Designer
  11. Barbie Magic Hairstyler
  12. Disney's Magic Artist
  13. Disney's Magic Artist Studio and
  14. any game you can play with a deck or two of cards
4) Do you enjoy computer or video games? Which one is your favorite?

Well, I'm not much one for video games as I don't have that great of eye-hand coordination with my left, so that pretty much limits it to computer games. And right now, my addiction is for Pandora's Box.

5) Describe a great childhood memory of an outside game.

I really don't have any.

Video/computer games may not affect our children to the point they blindly copy whatever's going on in the games themselves, no they're too intelligent for that. No, it's the idiots who're too simple-minded to use the brains God gave them to distinguish between fiction and reality. It's these idiots who put video/computer games and certain movies in a bad light when they try to copy the dangerous and tricky stunts done by either CGI effects or professional stunts people. They either end up killing or seriously maiming themselves in attempting what they see on tv or on the big screen. The consequences and blame should lie squarely with them, but unfortunately, when there's a furor created that catches the media's attention, the blame is easily and eagerly placed upon the game or movie that was mimicked. People need to take responsibility for their own stupidity is all I can say.

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