Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Worrywart Is Thy Middle Name
11-02-2001 E 7:02 p.m.
It's a wonder I don't have any gray hairs yet from this cat. He's missing again. *sigh* I keep telling myself, "It's ok, he'll come home when he's hungry or cold." That worked for the first couple hours he was exploring. But then it got dark. Then cold. And later, and later. Mom, bless her heart--and Dad too--tried calling him. I have too, but to no avail. I have prayed I'll hear his meow at the door, but the only sound in the cold indigo night is the sound of kids cheering in the distance. (Madison has a football game against Skyview tonight.)

I love Egypt, I do, but this worrying is getting old. I feel I have to act cool and calm around my family now because any time I express a concern or ask a question concerning Egypt they (Kami mostly) call me obsessed. Well, he is my cat, therefore my responsibility. Oh, Egypt come home. Please???

I just wish I had the power to point my finger like Sabrina and zap him home within view, so I'd know he's all right. And then I'd be tempted to ground him inside. Mom's right though. Next time I get a cat, I'm gonna get one with a docile personality that'll stay close to home and be content to be held awhile.

I'm watching Grandma again. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't like watching her. I can't stop her from doing certain things if she gets an idea in her head. Once she decides she's gonna do something, she will want it carried through and nothing you say will stop her unless you do it physically. And she'll argue with you till you're both blue in the face.

Still no Egypt. =0( *sigh* Even with homework, I thought this was going to be a nice weekend. It'd be only Jon and I as Aubree is being shipped to a friend's while Mom, Dad and Kami go to Moscow. He and I get along well when tempers aren't flaring. But with Egypt who-knows-where.... Please be safe Egypt.

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Recently Recorded...
06-17-2006 E Good Bye
06-07-2006 E A Real-Life American Princess
06-06-2006 E I Have VICTORY--With a Lil Help
06-03-2006 E The Ballot-Marking Device: Making History
06-01-2006 E Thursday Thirteen: 13 Things I Am Or Have Been Obsessed Or Fascinated With

moon phase


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