Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
There's Power In Emotions
11-01-2001 E 7:49 p.m.
Howdy. I hope your day has been better than mine. Nothing really bad has happened, it's just...sorta been sucky. One thumb up, one thumb down if you know what I mean. Though the thumb down weighs more at the moment. I feel dejected, lonely and I have a complaint. In other words...I...am...emotional. Where to begin?

Aaahhh. Tests. I think I failed the first math test we had almost a month ago. Our next one is Tuesday. It's on different sequences. *rolls eyes then grumbles* And there's a lot. And today, he spent most of the class period telling us what's going to be on zee test. Then he spent the last ten minutes cramming the rest of Chap. 12 in, which is also going to be on the test. If you ask me, it's going to be too dang much on the test, and I'll run outta time again. It's ridiculous. I can't wait to evaluate him at the end of the semester. Just wait until he sees my comments.

Oh! And he almost lost his cool because Bonnie (the girl to my left) wasn't getting one of his formulas. You see, he is a genius at math. It comes like breathing to him. But the rest of us lesser mortals don't take to it like he has. It takes us awhile for a light to come on. He was clearly getting frustrated that she wasn't getting it because he wanted to move on to the next thing then the next. Bonnie told him to chill. I silently cheered her on.

There's a winter chill to the air now. It caressed my cheeks as the wind blew my hair while I waited for Mom. In the meantime this dark pickup parks in the handicap spot next to me. The door opens and a young, able-bodied girl gets out. There was no visible limp, nothing was wrong with her posture or arms. Heather reminded me that I don't know the situation when I told her. She went on to say that "a book shouldn't be judged by its cover." I have always lived by that adage. But there's also another one that's as familiar: "If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, it must be a duck." I sincerely believe she was not handicapped.

But, to be fair, before I flew off the handle so to speak, I checked to be sure she had a card up in the window. She did. But I still was mad. In my opinion if you are not handicapped and the person you need the card for is NOT with you, then don't blasted park there! You have no right! Other people who have disabled people with them will need it. Oooo, if only I had had a way, I woulda left a note expressing my displeasure!

Then there was Spanish. And tests again. I sucked on this one. I studied for it. Well, I thought. But, obviously not well enough. So, yes, I blame myself partly. And I know now I will have to study more to do well on all the others. But I also realized just today the teacher's teaching method doesn't jive with how I learn. As I get into the higher levels of learning the language--I'm talking about future learning--I need more time to master each aspect or better explanations rather than a brief speech and a practice run before being let loose to try and duplicate the aspect in an assignment and moving on. In high school I had two teachers with different techniques. The latter one was so much clearer than the first. Because he was concise and used the verb tree. With the verb tree I understood the different verb forms. And why. I got A's in his class, even though towards the end I wasn't paying much attention because of graduation.

I'm sorry if I sound like I'm whining. I'm not. I'm just stating what I realized. Nan says I should talk to Se�ora. Ha! What would I say? "Hi, your technique isn't working totally for me"? Fat chance. Yeah, I can see what would happen if I told her or anybody with definite opinions about my school attitude. I'd be told that I should change how I learn. That I have to with each teacher anyway. Um excuse me, but most of my life, I've gotten A's and B's. My G.P.A. at its highest has been 3.7. I don't think I have to change much.

So, looking at my test, I felt dejected. But that feeling wasn't through with me yet. Kami had an All-Star volleyball game tonight in I.F. at six. Mom was going to wait around till then. But then when I got to the van after class, she wanted to bring me home because she didn't want to wait two bloody hours or pay $5 because I might not be able to get in the gym. I was just looking to spend a couple of hours with Mom, perhaps bumping around. When she told me she was just gonna bring me home, I felt even more dejected. I know it's irrational, but I didn't felt wanted.

Emotions are powerful, and it amazes me what can affect them. A test. A book. A movie. Music. You can go from the depths of anguish to the heights of joy within minutes, or vice versa.

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moon phase


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