Writings and Layout
� 2001-2006 by Shiloh
times since Oct. 22, 2001
Return of Winter?
04-15-2002 E 6:21 p.m.
Um, do April showers--if they're snow showers--still bring May flowers? Because that's what we have. It looks like winter has made a comeback--with a vengeance. It's been blizzarding for several hours now. And frankly, I don't want it to stop. Odd huh, since I bemoaned and cursed the snow many a-time in this journal. But I do, I hope it continues on into tomorrow. 1) We need the moisture. 2) I'm not wanting to see the inside of a classroom tomorrow. LOL I have my final report to finish and I want more time to pull everything together. Oh well.

Actually, we've had moisture all day. It started out as rain, then in the afternoon turned to snow. So obviously Mom and I never went to Porters. That's the one downside. Pray for moisture for me, please?? LOL Or better yet, a white out.

I can't believe school will be over in almost three weeks. It doesn't seem possible. If I can just hold on and pull myself together for three more weeks...then I'll be able to relax and dink around, pull Covano together and breathe life into it. (Sorry for the long wait Adahy. I have the Eastern side almost done.) I intend to start really bringing my world to life.
I'm listening to ET (Entertainment Tonight) right now. Harrison Ford is going to don Indiana Jones' fedora once again. Yay! *claps hands* And the guy doing Spiderman has signed on to do a Spiderman II and III. *brow creases* That should prove interesting. However, the romantic in me is frowning, wondering if the sequels will be true to Hollywood form. Meaning, will each sequel have a different leading lady? I was thrilled when I saw that Rick O'Connell and Evie were married in The Mummy Returns. I wish they'd do more shows like that, where the hero and first leading lady get married or are still together, madly in love throughout the series. It would be great if Spiderman was like that.

Here's a question for ya. It may sound dumb, but theologians will like it, no doubt. This morning Mom and I got into a conversation about the aging process of biblical times when people lived to be 900-years-old. Can you imagine being that old?? Feeling like you're only 40 when you're 400, really? My question (and I know you can't answer this) is: was the aging process slower so you looked 40 at 400 or did people age like we do today, but then after a certain age the aging process slowed down? What are your ideas?
I don't have an attitude problem, you have a perception problem.

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moon phase


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